
When a statue of beauty appears

وتمثال حسن إذا ما بدا

1. When a statue of beauty appears
Eyes bow down before it with their eyelids

١. وَتِمْثالِ حُسْنٍ إِذا مَا بَدَا
سَجَدن لَهُ بالجُفُونِ العُيُونُ

2. It perplexes my weary eyes when it visits them
Just as certainty was perplexed by doubt about it

٢. يَحارُ إِذا زَارَ طَرْفِي الكَرى
كَما حَارَ بِالشَّكِّ فِيهِ اليَقِينُ

3. It came gradually, but once it was gone
Our eyelids refused to close from sorrow

٣. وَكَانَ وصُولاً فَلَمّا جَفَا
تَجافَتْ عَنِ الغُمْضِ مِنَّا الجُفُونُ