
Arise, O youth, and pour me sparkling wine,

قم يا غلام اسقني مشعشعة

1. Arise, O youth, and pour me sparkling wine,
That moves within the cup in pearls;

١. قُمْ يا غُلامُ اسْقِني مُشَعشَعَةً
تَسِيرُ في الكأسِ بالتَباشيرِ

2. She has undressed, while time obscures her,
Like darkness overwhelming light;

٢. تَجَرَّدَتْ والزَّمانُ يَحْجُبُها
كَظُلْمَةٍ أَطْبَقَتْ عَلى نُورِ

3. In her cup, when blended, you would think
Were stars of night falling to seduce;

٣. تُظَنُّ في كأْسِها إِذا مُزِجَتْ
نجومَ لَيْلٍ تَهْوي لِتَغْويرِ

4. Or cooled pearls circled
Above a fire without blazing;

٤. أَوْ بَرَداً قَدْ أُدِيرَ دائِرةً
مِنْ فَوقِ نارٍ بِغيرِ تَسْعيرِ

5. Or a necklace of pearls whose clasps
Are on ruby in a palace of crystal;

٥. أَوْ عِقْدَ دُرٍّ وَهَتْ مَعاقِدُهُ
عَلى عَقيقٍ في صَرْحِ بَلُّورِ

6. How often has the drinking of her cup pressed on the moon,
With a willowy waist and a wasp's slenderness,

٦. كَم حَثَّ شُربي لِكَأْسِها قَمَرٌ
بِقَدِّ غُصْنٍ وخَصْرِ زُنبورِ

7. Her buttocks draw him; and I fancied
He walks with a gait on crystals.

٧. يَجْذِبُهُ رِدْفُهُ فَأَحْسِبُهُ
يَرُومُ مَشْياً على قَواريرِ