1. My tears flow easily, knotted
To the one whose grave in my heart is dug
١. سِلْكانِ لِلدَّمعِ مَحْلولٌ وَمَعْقُودُ
عَلَى التي لَحْدُها في القَلْبِ مَلْحُودُ
2. Grief has not darkened the days of joy with her
Except that after her my life's days are blackened
٢. ما سَوَّدَ الحزْنُ مُبْيَضَّ السُّرورِ بِها
إِلا وَأَيَّامُ عُمْري بَعْدَها سُودُ
3. The hand of tears loosened in my cheek the reigns of blood
As if it were squeezed from the leather of my heart
٣. عَنَّتْ يَدُ الدَّمْعِ في خَدِّي عِنانَ دَمٍ
كأنَّهُ مِنْ أَديمِ القَلْبِ مَقْدُودُ
4. The rain clouds did not weep except at their weeping
So the cheek of the ground for the rain is wiped
٤. ما اسْتَعْبَرَ الغَيْثُ إِلا عِنْدَ عَبْرَتِهِ
فَخَدُّ وَجْهِ الثَّرى لِلْغَيْثِ مَخْدُودُ
5. Who will have mercy on me with a heart that has no mercy
As if my increased anguish in it gives increase
٥. مَنْ لي بِرَحْمَةِ قَلْبٍ ليسَ يَرْحَمُني
كأَنَّ نُقْصانَ وَجْدي فيهِ تَزْييدُ
6. Fire is born in it, from its composed water
So wonder at a fire that gives birth in water
٦. تولد النار فيهِ ماء سَلْوَتِهِ
فَاعْجَبْ لنارٍ لها في الماءِ تَوْليدُ
7. How often I hurl my limbs with burning embers
While dawn in the shackles of darkness is chained
٧. كَمْ بِتُّ أَرْجُمُ أَعضائِي بِجَمْرِ غَضاً
وَالفَجْرُ في صَفَدِ الظَّلْماءِ مَصْفُودُ
8. The eyes of my enemies slept when I sighed, and I had
From the sheath of tears in my eyes, a pulling out
٨. نامَتْ عيونُ عُداتي إِذ زَفَرْتُ وَلي
من مَغْمَدِ الدَّمْعِ في عَيْنَيَّ تجريدُ
9. If not for tender ties between us that cling to me
I would say that my drawing near to you is a repulsion
٩. لَولا عَلائقُ بَيْنٍ مِنْكِ تَعْلَقُ بي
لَقُلْتُ إِنَّ اقتِرابي مِنْكِ تَبعيدُ
10. And would that after you the blackening of whiteness, so let me
With tears on the pages of sorrows do blackening
١٠. وَلَيْتَ بَعْدَكِ تسويد البَياضِ فَلي
بالدَّمْعِ في صُحُفِ الأَحْزانِ تَسْويدُ
11. So no purity, the turbidity of the world disturbed a strained one
My soul struggled against regarding you, the struggler
١١. فَلا صَفا كَدَرُ الدُّنْيا لِمُصْفِيَةٍ
ما جاهَدَتْ فيكِ أنْفاسي المَجاهيدُ
12. If I intended patience from you, it was changed into love-longing
Lost through you, lasting eternally found
١٢. إِنْ أَزْمَعَتْ عنكِ صَبْراً أُبْدِلَتْ بِجَوىً
مَعْدومُهُ بِكِ طُولَ الدَّهْرِ مَوْجودُ
13. My cheek remains moist above its soil
As long as cycles of days endure
١٣. لازالَ خدِّي تَريباً فوقَ تُرْبَتِها
ما دارَ في خَلَدِ الأَيَّامِ تَخْليدُ
14. I quailed before my troops of tears, so emboldened me
A heart whose descent of tears gives ascent
١٤. جَبُنْتُ مِنْ عَسْكَرَيْ دَمْعي فشجَّعَني
قلبٌ له في انْحِدارِ الدَّمْعِ تَصْعِيدُ
15. When would earth care not to see rain
While my pouring of tears is spurned
١٥. متى يُبالي ثَرىً أَنْ لا يَرى مطراً
فَمُسْبَلُ الدَّمع مِنِّي وهو مَوْرُودُ
16. Ah, I have considered the reproach that is past
That no holiday would repeat itself after it
١٦. هَا قَدْ تَأَمَّلْتُ بالعُتْبى الَّتي سَلَفَتْ
أَنْ لا يُعاوِدَني من بَعْدِها عِيدُ
17. I bade it farewell, and with my throat from its tears
A slaughter, and on its cheek from my tears, a wound
١٧. ودَّعْتُها وَبِنَحْري مِنْ مَدَامِعِها
نَحْرٌ وفي جيدِها مِنْ مَدْمَعِي جِيدُ
18. So it cooled the heat of my breath into coldness
As if it were blocked from the breast's obstruction
١٨. فبرَّدَتْ حرَّ أَنفاسي عَلى بَرَدٍ
كأنَّهُ مِنْ صَديدِ النَّفسِ مَصْدُودُ
19. And it was called so it answered after it appeared
In the cheek of dawn before the morning, a blushing
١٩. وَاسْتُدْعِيَتْ فأَجابَتْ بعد ما ظَهَرَتْ
في وَجْنَةِ الفَجرِ قبلَ الصُّبحِ تَوريدُ
20. And her image was depicted in the mirror of the horizon
So to it through the messengers of sight I have a returning
٢٠. وصُوِّرت في مِراةِ الأُفق صورتُها
فلي إليها برُسلِ اللحظِ تَرديدُ
21. I struggled with patience after consolation yet
I did not return except with my patience from you lost
٢١. جَاهَدْتُ بِالصَّبْرِ في إِثْرِ العَزاءِ فَمَا
رَجَعْتُ إِلا وَصَبْرِي عَنْكِ مَفْقُودُ