
Though you went before me with men, long have I walked

لئن قدمت قبلي رجال فطالما

1. Though you went before me with men, long have I walked
On my own missions, and have ever been the first.

١. لَئِن قَدَّمتَ قَبلي رِجالً فَطالَما
مَشيتُ عَلى رِسلي فَكُنتُ المُقدِما

2. Yet time's changes alternate, and fate's caprices fall,
On the dejected, with crushing force and on the elated, gently.

٢. وَلكِنَّ هذا الدَهرَ تَأتي صُروفَهُ
فَتُبرِمُ مَنقوضاً وَتَنقِضُ مُبرِما