
He excelled when he enriched his brothers,

بدا حين أثرى باخوانه

1. He excelled when he enriched his brothers,
And diminished the obscurity of nothingness from them.

١. بَدا حينَ أَثرى بِاِخوانِهِ
فَقَلَّلَ عَنهُم شَباةَ العَدَم

2. Mention of him is the passage of time,
So he seized the opportunity before the transfer of blessings.

٢. وَذِكرُهُ الدَهرُ صَرفُ الزَمانِ
فَبادَرَ قَبلَ اِنتِقالِ النِعَم

3. A young man endowed by God with generosity,
Who mingled life with nobility.

٣. فَتى خَصَّهُ اللَهُ بِالمَكرُما
تِ فَمازَجَ مِنهُ الحَيا بِالكَرَم

4. When ambition fell short of his hand,
He reached for it with great aspirations.

٤. إِذا هِمَةُ قَصَّرَت عَن يَدِ
تَناوَلَها بِجَزيلِ الهِمَم

5. He does not conceal the ground at the question,
To cut off his visitors from blessings.

٥. وَلا يَنكَتُ الأَرضَ عِندَ السُؤا
لِ لِيَقطَعَ زُوارِهِ مِن نِعَم