1. Separation has kneaded the flour of love
In a bowl made of aloe wood
١. قَد عَجَنَ الهَجرُ دَقيقَ الهَوى
في جَفنَةٍ مِن خَشَبِ الصَد
2. And leave the wine of love to ferment
Igniting the two lamps of distance
٢. وَاِختَمِرِ البَينِ فَنارَ الهَوى
تَذكي بِسَرجَينِ مِنَ البُعدِ
3. And separation came with its paddle
Searching for the loaves of passion
٣. وَأَقبَلَ الهَجرُ بِمِحراكِهِ
يَفحَصُ عَن أَرغِفَةِ الوَجدِ
4. The tents of tryst are poisoned
Scattered in the bowl of effort
٤. جَرادِقُ المَوعِدَ مَسمومَة
مَشرودَة في قَصعَةِ الجُهدِ