
Alas! Who will convey on my behalf to Khizaymah

ألا من مبلغ عني خزيماً

1. Alas! Who will convey on my behalf to Khizaymah,
And to the wayward one who did not guard my in-law kinship;

١. أَلا مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي خُزَيماً
وَزَبّانِ الَّذي لَم يَرعَ صِهري

2. So beware the mischief of backbiting women
Whose prayers are like the sparks of glowing embers.

٢. فَإِيّاكُم وَعوراً دامِياتٍ
كَأَنَّ صِلائَهُنَّ صِلاءُ جَمرِ

3. For verily I have received what you have done,
And how little esteem you had from the full moon poetry.

٣. فَإِنّي قَد أَتاني ما صَنَعتُم
وَما وَشَّحتُمُ مِن شِعرِ بَدرِ

4. So it was not up to you to rescue me,
Though single I am, in a land of stones.

٤. فَلَم يَكُ نَولُكُم أَن تُشقِذوني
وَدوني عازِبٌ وَبِلادُ حَجرِ

5. For its answer comes every day,
Afflicting souls among you and widespread.

٥. فَإِنَّ جَوابَها في كُلِّ يَومٍ
أَلَمَّ بِأَنفُسٍ مِنكُم وَوَفرِ

6. And whoever waits for news,
His Master sends him support without early merit.

٦. وَمَن يَتَرَبَّصِ الحَدَثانِ تَنزِل
بِمَولاهُ عَوانٌ غَيرُ بِكرِ