
I came to you with happy tidings of peace

نأت بسعاد عنك نوى شظون

1. I came to you with happy tidings of peace
And so my heart was captivated by this notion

١. نَأَت بِسُعادَ عَنكَ نَوىً شَظونُ
فَبانَت وَالفُؤادُ بِها رَهينُ

2. The tribe of Banu Qain settled in the land of Bani Jasr
And so some affairs arose between us

٢. وَحَلَّت في بَني القَينِ بنُ جَسرٍ
فَقَد نَبَغَت لَنا مِنهُم شُؤونُ

3. Sleep evaded me as I was possessed by thoughts
Of the darling women with elegant gaits

٣. تَأَوَّبَني بِعَمَّلَةَ اللَواتي
مَنَعنَ النَومَ إِذ هَدَأَت عُيونُ

4. As if the camel saddle was fastened with straps
Led by docile, young she-camels

٤. كَأَنَّ الرَحلَ شُدَّ بِهِ خَذوفٌ
مِنَ الجَوناتِ هادِيَةٌ عَنونُ

5. Of the women glancing with eyes like palm trees
As if the whiteness of their shining faces were plates

٥. مِنَ المُتَعَرِّضاتِ بِعَينِ نَخلٍ
كَأَنَّ بَياضَ لَبَّتِهِ سَدينُ

6. Like the bow of Masikh twisted and strong
Made of flexible, sturdy wood

٦. كَقَوسِ الماسِخيِّ أَرَنَّ فيها
مِنَ الشَرعيِّ مَربوعٌ مَتينُ

7. I headed to the son of Muharraq
My she-camel led the way as my eyes slept

٧. إِلى اِبنِ مُحَرَّقٍ أَعمَلتُ نَفسي
وَراحِلَتي وَقَد هَدَتِ العُيونُ

8. I came to you bare of belongings except my clothes
Fearing suspicions and doubts about me

٨. أَتَيتَكَ عارِياً خَلَقاً ثِيابي
عَلى خَوفٍ تُظَنَّ بيَ الظَنونُ

9. But I found you to be trustworthy and did not betray
Just as Noah was always true

٩. فَأَلفَيتُ الأَمانَةَ لَم تَخُنها
كَذَلِكَ كانَ نوحٌ لا يَخونُ