
I dwelt in abodes with soft sand around;

غشيت منازلاً بعريتنات

1. I dwelt in abodes with soft sand around;
On their summits the living were eager.

١. غَشيتُ مَنازِلاً بِعُرَيتِناتٍ
فَأَعلى الجِزعِ لِلحَيّ المُبِنِّ

2. Time has ruined them till they are decayed;
Every builder of them is decaying.

٢. تَعاوَرَهُنَّ صَرفُ الدَهرِ حَتّى
عَفونَ وَكُلُّ مُنهَمِرٍ مُرِنِّ

3. There I stopped the ships, deeply mourning,
With yearning too violent to be masked.

٣. وَقَفتُ بِها القَلوصَ عَلى اِكتِئابٍ
وَذاكَ تَفارُطُ الشَوقِ المُعَنّي

4. I ask them while my tears are flowing,
Like the coming downpour at sunset.

٤. أُسائِلُها وَقَد سَفَحَت دُموعي
كَأَنَّ مَفيضَهُنَّ غُروبُ شَنِّ

5. The weeping of a dove that calls her comrade,
Grieving over the empty nests that sang.

٥. بُكاءَ حَمامَةٍ تَدعو هَديلاً
مُفَجَّعَةٍ عَلى فَنَنٍ تُغَنّي

6. Bring me, O eyes, some words I may address to her,
Words I may send to her from me.

٦. أَلِكني يا عُيَينَ إِلَيكَ قَولاً
سَأُهديهِ إِلَيكَ إِلَيكَ عَنّي

7. Rhymes like greetings that go on and on
So that vain fancy cannot turn them back.

٧. قَوافي كَالسِلامِ إِذا اِستَمَرَّت
فَلَيسَ يَرُدُّ مَذهَبَها التَظَنّي

8. Through them I give my love to her hater;
The intimacy of cities, so let him draw near me.

٨. بِهِنَّ أُدينُ مَن يَبغي أَذاتي
مُدايَنَةَ المُدايِنِ فَليَدَنّي

9. Do you help my foe and strengthen sulking?
Like Rabī‘ah son of Ghaiz in his rancor?

٩. أَتَخذُلُ ناصِري وَتُعِزَّ عَبساً
أَيَربوعَ بنَ غَيظٍ لِلمِعَنِّ

10. One time you are an ostrich, another time
A griffon, wherever the wind lists you stray.

١٠. كَأَنَّكَ مِن جِمالِ بَني أُقَيشٍ
يُقَعقَعُ خَلفَ رِجلَيهِ بِشَنِّ

11. You wish them gone, so vie with them in going.
You shall surely be left while wishing remains.

١١. تَكونُ نَعامَةً طَوراً وَطَوراً
هَوِيَّ الريحِ تَنسُجُ كُلَّ فَنِّ

12. With slanderers who have no trusted friend,
No guide who can give comfort and assurance.

١٢. تَمَنَّ بُعادَهُم وَاِستَبقِ مِنهُم
فَإِنَّكَ سَوفَ تُترَكُ وَالتَمَنّي

13. If you dare wrong the lion in his den,
Then I am not of you, nor you of me.

١٣. لَدى جَرعاءَ لَيسَ بِها أَنيسٌ
وَلَيسَ بِها الدَليلُ بِمُطمَئِنِّ

14. They are my coat of mail I donned
Against the evil day and my misfortune.

١٤. إِذا حاوَلتَ في أَسَدٍ فُجوراً
فَإِنّي لَستُ مِنكَ وَلَستَ مِنّي

15. They repulsed the informers against Tamīm
They were the folk of Ukaz; I am one of them.

١٥. فَهُم دِرعي الَّتي اِستَلأَمتُ فيها
إِلى يَومِ النِسارِ وَهُم مِجَنّي

16. I witnessed for them places of true service,
I came to them with love sincere within me.

١٦. وَهُم وَرَدوا الجِفارَ عَلى تَميمٍ
وَهُم أَصحابُ يَومِ عُكاظَ إِنّي

17. They marched to Hujr in an army,
That day they were, in my thought, a mighty host.

١٧. شَهِدتُ لَهُم مَواطِنَ صادِقاتٍ
أَتَينَهُمُ بِوُدَّ الصَدرِ مِنّي

18. And they marched to the Ghassan in a march
Wherein the noble horses were jostling.

١٨. وَهُم ساروا لِحُجرٍ في خَميسٍ
وَكانوا يَومَ ذَلِكَ عِندَ ظَنّي

19. With every tested warrior like a lion
Pouncing on the flank of a long-tailed hyena.

١٩. وَهُم زَحَفوا لِغَسّانٍ بِزَحفٍ
رَحيبِ السَربِ أَرعَنَ مُرجِحَنِّ

20. And lively girls like decorated arrows
With a band of specters round them, like jinn.

٢٠. بِكُلِّ مُجَرَّبٍ كَاللَيثِ يَسمو
عَلى أَوصالِ ذَيّالٍ رِفَنِّ

21. On the morrow when white dawn flickered,
Thrust against them in the dusty darkness.

٢١. وَضُمرٍ كَالقِداحِ مُسَوَّماتٍ
عَلَيها مَعشَرٌ أَشباهُ جِنِّ

22. Had I obeyed you in those matters
I would have met with regret in that, my age.

٢٢. غَداةَ تَعاوَرَتهُ ثَمَّ بيضٌ
دُفِعنَ إِلَيهِ في الرَهَجِ المُكِنِّ

٢٣. وَلَو أَنّي أَطَعتُكَ في أُمورٍ
قَرَعتُ نَدامَةً مِن ذاكَ سِنّي