
Man hopes to live long

المرء يأمل أن يعيش

1. Man hopes to live long
Though longevity may do him harm.

١. المَرءُ يَأمُلُ أَن يَعيشَ
وَطولُ عَيشٍ قَد يَضُرُّه

2. His freshness fades away,
After the sweetness of life come bitterness.

٢. تَفنى بَشاشَتُهُ وَيَبقى
بَعدَ حُلوِ العَيشِ مُرُّه

3. The days betray him till he sees
Nothing that gives him pleasure.

٣. وَتَخونُهُ الأَيّامُ حَتّى
لا يَرى شَيئاً يَسُرُّه

4. How many secret gloaters there are
If I die, and how many who say "His loss!"

٤. كَم شامِتٍ بي إِن هَلِكتُ
وَقائِلٍ لِلَّهِ دَرُّه