
Whoever seeks glory, its claws will catch him,

من يطلب الدهر تدركه مخالبه

1. Whoever seeks glory, its claws will catch him,
And time lies in wait though unpursued.

١. مَن يَطلِبِ الدَهرُ تُدرِكهُ مَخالِبُهُ
وَالدَهرُ بِالوِترِ ناجٍ غَيرُ مَطلوبِ

2. No people of repute and honor exist,
Whom severity of fate does not subdue,

٢. ما مِن أُناسٍ ذَوي مَجدٍ وَمَكرُمةٍ
إِلّا يَشُدُّ عَلَيهِم شِدَّةَ الذيبِ

3. Till it destroys their glories deliberately,
With arrows of death unerring their aim.

٣. حَتّى يُبيدَ عَلى عَمدٍ سَراتَهُمُ
بِالنافِذاتِ مِنَ النَبلِ المَصايِيبِ

4. Verily I found death's arrows everywhere,
On each forehead of life the name inscribed.

٤. إِنّي وَجَدتُ سِهامَ المَوتِ مُعرِضَةً
بِكُلِّ حَتفٍ مِنَ الآجالِ مَكتوبِ