1. You came to reproach and curse me, that I have wronged you,
And she for whom I strive and toil,
١. أَتاني أَبَيتَ اللَعنَ أَنَّكَ لِمتَني
وَتِلكَ الَّتي أُهتَمُّ مِنها وَأَنصَبُ
2. I spend the night as if her returning were a blanket spread beneath me,
In fear of it my bed is tossed and turned.
٢. فَبِتُّ كَأَنَّ العائِداتِ فَرَشنَني
هَراساً بِهِ يُعلى فِراشي وَيُقشَبُ
3. I swore I left you in no doubt,
And beyond God man has no refuge.
٣. حَلَفتُ فَلَم أَترُك لِنَفسِكَ رَيبَةً
وَلَيسَ وَراءَ اللَهِ لِلمَرءِ مَذهَبُ
4. If you were told I betrayed you,
Then he who informed against me is most deceitful and mendacious.
٤. لَئِن كُنتَ قَد بُلِّغتَ عَنّي خِيانَةً
لَمُبلِغُكَ الواشي أَغَشُّ وَأَكذَبُ
5. But I was a man who had a side,
On earth where he had a place of retreat and refuge.
٥. وَلَكِنَّني كُنتُ اِمرَأً لِيَ جانِبٌ
مِنَ الأَرضِ فيهِ مُستَرادٌ وَمَذهَبُ
6. Kings and brothers when I come to them,
I arbitrate regarding their wealth and draw them near.
٦. مُلوكٌ وَإِخوانٌ إِذا ما أَتَيتُهُم
أُحَكَّمُ في أَموالِهِم وَأُقَرَّبُ
7. As you did for a people whom I saw you befriended,
Yet when it came to thanking you for that, they did no wrong.
٧. كَفِعلِكَ في قَومٍ أَراكَ اِصطَنَعتَهُم
فَلَم تَرَهُم في شُكرِ ذَلِكَ أَذنَبوا
8. So do not threaten me as if I
Am with it carping at people like an old blind camel.
٨. فَلا تَترُكَنّي بِالوَعيدِ كَأَنَّني
إِلى الناسِ مَطلِيٌّ بِهِ القارُ أَجرَبُ
9. Do you not see that God has given you a surah,
You find every king beside it wavering?
٩. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ اللَهَ أَعطاكَ سورَةً
تَرى كُلَّ مَلكٍ دونَها يَتَذَبذَبُ
10. For you are a sun, and the kings are planets,
When you rise, no star can be seen from among them.
١٠. فَإِنَّكَ شَمسٌ وَالمُلوكُ كَواكِبٌ
إِذا طَلَعَت لَم يَبدُ مِنهُنَّ كَوكَبُ
11. You are not racing a brother you should blame,
For dishevelment - which of the refined men is?
١١. وَلَستَ بِمُستَبقٍ أَخاً لا تَلُمَّهُ
عَلى شَعَثٍ أَيُّ الرِجالِ المُهَذَّبُ
12. If I am wronged, then you have wronged a slave,
And if you are owed an apology, then one like you can be apologized to.
١٢. فَإِن أَكُ مَظلوماً فَعَبدٌ ظَلَمتَهُ
وَإِن تَكُ ذا عُتبى فَمِثلُكَ يُعتِبُ