
I warned Zur'ah though folly is his name

نبئت زرعة والسفاهة كاسمها

1. I warned Zur'ah though folly is his name
He sends me strange verses and odd lines of verse.

١. نَبِئتُ زُرعَةَ وَالسَفاهَةُ كَاِسمِها
يُهدي إِلَيَّ غَرائِبَ الأَشعارِ

2. So I swore, O Zur'ah son of 'Amr, that I
Am harsh to the foe when battle is averse.

٢. فَحَلَفتُ يا زُرعَ بنِ عَمروٍ أَنَّني
مِمّا يَشُقُّ عَلى العَدوِّ ضِراري

3. Remember the day we met at Okaz fair
When under the pack-saddles you did disperse?

٣. أَرَأَيتَ يَومَ عُكاظَ حينَ لَقيتَني
تَحتَ العَجاجِ فَما شَقَقتَ غُباري

4. We shared two lots between us and I assumed
The better portion while the worst was yours.

٤. إِنّا اِقتَسَمنا خُطَّتَينا بَينَنا
فَحَمَلتُ بَرَّةَ وَاِحتَمَلتَ فَجارِ

5. Expect then verses and an army at your gates
That will surround you on all sides diverse.

٥. فَلَتَأتِيَنكَ قَصائِدٌ وَلَيَدفَعَن
جَيشٌ إِلَيكَ قَوادِمَ الأَكوارِ

6. Kin of Ibn Khuzam will hem you in behind
As will the Banu Rabi'ah take your purse.

٦. رَهطُ اِبنِ كُوزٍ مُحقِبي أَدراعِهِم
فيهِم وَرَهطُ رَبيعَةَ بنِ حُذارِ

7. Banu Harrab and Banu Qadd have surging waves
Of glory - ravens do not prey on hearse.

٧. وَلِرَهطِ حَرّابٍ وَقَدٍّ سورَةٌ
في المَجدِ لَيسَ غُرابُهُم بِمُطارِ

8. Banu Qu'ain will surely come to you minus
No claws however carefully immersed;

٨. وَبَنو قُعَينٍ لا مَحالَةَ أَنَّهُم
آتوكَ غَيرَ مُقَلَّمي الأَظفارِ

9. Their swords ring like the hive-bees buzz and seem
Wasps 'neath the helmet-domes that never cease.

٩. سَهِكينَ مِن صَدَءِ الحَديدِ كَأَنَّهُم
تَحتَ السَنَوَّرِ جِنَّةُ البَقّارِ

10. Banu Suw'ah will visit you, their envoy leading,
An army with Abu'l-Mughaffar at its head.

١٠. وَبَنو سُواءَةَ زائِروكَ بِوَفدِهِم
جَيشاً يَقودُهُمُ أَبو المِظفارِ

11. Banu Jadhimah, a folk of truth and honour,
Won victory o'er Khabt's men till tithed.

١١. وَبَنو جَذيمَةَ حَيَّ صِدقٍ سادَةٌ
غَلَبوا عَلى خَبتٍ إِلى تِعشارِ

12. Flanking Okaz on this and that side, calling
Their lads to arm, both clans of note well-bred.

١٢. مُتَكَنِّفي جَنبَي عُكاظَ كِلَيهِما
يَدعو بِها وِلدانُهُم عَرعارِ

13. A tribe who, when the war-cry's raised, are seen
In serried squadrons charging in all haste.

١٣. قَومٌ إِذا كَثُرَ الصِياحُ رَأَيتَهُم
وُفُراً غَداةَ الرَوعِ وَالإِنفارِ

14. The Ghadiri who marched beneath their banner
To pitch their camp-fires by the wells they traced.

١٤. وَالغاضِرِيّونَ الَّذينَ تَحَمَّلوا
بِلِوائِهِم سَيراً لِدارِ قَرارِ

15. You see them lead along their sturdy camels
With littersarison their humps bedight.

١٥. تَمشي بِهِم أُدمٌ كَأَنَّ رِحالَها
عَلَقٌ هُريقَ عَلى مُتونِ صُوارِ

16. The vales between their ranks like crests enfolding
And noble ladies pure, serene and bright.

١٦. شُعَبُ العِلافِيّاتِ بَينَ فُروجِهِم
وَالمُحصَناتُ عَوازِبُ الأَطهارِ

17. The slave girls' arms thrust out from every curtain
And mantle-hem, a moon no shame can blight.

١٧. بُرُزُ الأَكُفِّ مِنَ الخِدامِ خَوارِجٌ
مِن فَرجِ كُلِّ وَصيلَةٍ وَإِزارِ

18. A throng to shade the plain and leave no hollow.
As though they spread a pebbly wild in sight.

١٨. شُمُسٌ مَوانِعُ كُلِّ لَيلَةِ حُرَّةٍ
يُخلِفنَ ظَنَّ الفاحِشِ المِغيارِ

19. No lack of savoury meat and drink denied them
And lavished on you girls are their delight.

١٩. جَمعاً يَظَلُّ بِهِ الفَضاءُ مُعَضِّلاً
يَدَعُ الإِكامَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ صَحاري

20. The tribes of Dudan gird me round nor thwart me.
And so the Baghid - stauncharies are they.

٢٠. لَم يُحرَموا حُسنَ الغِذاءِ وَأُمُّهُم
طَفَحَت عَلَيكَ بِناتِقٍ مِذكارِ

21. Zayd ibn Zayd with warriors of 'Urair
And Malik ibn Himar has Kunayb today.

٢١. حَولي بَنو دودانَ لا يَعصونَني
وَبَنو بَغيضٍ كُلُّهُم أَنصاري

22. Sukayn holds Rumaythah; whilst at Duthaynah
Encamped are the renowned clan, Bani Sayyar.

٢٢. زَيدُ بنُ زَيدٍ حاضِرٌ بِعُراعِرٍ
وَعَلى كُنَيبٍ مالِكُ بنُ حِمارِ

23. Among them are the beauties of 'Asjad
And Lahiq - smooth steeds brought out to race;

٢٣. وَعَلى الرُمَيثَةِ مِن سُكَينٍ حاضِرٌ
وَعَلى الدُثَينَةِ مِن بَني سَيّارِ

24. The Ya'zibid snort yellow through their nostrils
And the white marks on thei legs enhance their grace.

٢٤. فيهِم بَناتُ العَسجَدِيَّ وَلاحِقٍ
وُرقاً مَراكِلُها مِنَ المِضمارِ

25. Their troops of females follow in succession
Like wild beasts ravening without restraint.

٢٥. يَتَحَلَّبُ اليَعضيدُ مِن أَشداقِها
صُفراً مَناخِرُها مِنَ الجِرجارِ

26. Rumaythah's sure defence bars all our lances;
No coward clan in arms were e'er there pent.

٢٦. تُشلى تَوابِعُها إِلى أُلّافِها
خَبَبَ السِباعِ الوُلَّهِ الأَبكارِ

27. They captured only maids, for they
Made haste, fearing dishonour and dissent.

٢٧. إِنَّ الرُمَيثَةَ مانِعٌ أَرماحُنا
ما كانَ مِن سَحَمٍ بِها وَصَفارِ