
A seductress, caressed by slender waists,

أتاركة تدللها قطام

1. A seductress, caressed by slender waists,
greeted me affectionately with words.

١. أَتارِكَةٌ تَدَلَّلَها قَطامِ
وَضِنّاً بِالتَحِيَّةِ وَالكَلامِ

2. If it was an invitation, do not hesitate,
and if it was farewell, then goodbye.

٢. فَإِن كانَ الدَلالَ فَلا تَلَجّي
وَإِن كانَ الوَداعَ فَبِالسَلامِ

3. If only she had wished me well that morn of parting
as they loaded up tents on camel litters.

٣. فَلَو كانَت غَداةَ البَينِ مَنَّت
وَقَد رَفَعوا الخُدورَ عَلى الخِيامِ

4. I would have glimpsed, with one glance, her tent ropes coiled,
and the well-set pegs and posts.

٤. صَفَحتُ بِنَظرَةٍ فَرَأَيتُ مِنها
تُحَيتَ الخِدرِ واضِعَةَ القِرامِ

5. Her veil glowed like embers scattered in the dark,
as if gems and rubies adorned her soft neck.

٥. تَرائِبَ يَستَضيءُ الحَليُ فيها
كَجَمرِ النارِ بُذَّرَ بِالظَلامِ

6. She approached her gazelle and leaned toward me –
I saw grief below her beautiful braids.

٦. كَأَنَّ الشَذرَ وَالياقوتَ مِنها
عَلى جَيداءَ فاتِرَةِ البُغامِ

She led it gently, turning it back

٧. خَلَت بِغَزالِها وَدَنا عَلَيها
أَراكُ الجِزعِ أَسفَلَ مِن سَنامِ

8. toward late afternoon, away from dawn.
As if it were a cup of Bosran wine

٨. تَسَفُّ بَريرَهُ وَتَرودُ فيهِ
إِلى دُبُرِ النَهارِ مِنَ البَشامِ

9. whose seal fate had secured.

٩. كَأَنَّ مُشَعشَعاً مِن خَمرِ بُصرى
نَمَتهُ البُختُ مَشدودَ الخِتامِ

10. The kneading feet carried it from the Rabi’s house
to Luqman in a standing market.

١٠. نَمَينَ قِلالَهُ مِن بَيتِ راسٍ
إِلى لُقمانَ في سوقٍ مُقامِ

11. When its seals were opened, it overcame
the sober in their revelry.

١١. إِذا فُضَّت خَواتِمُهُ عَلاهُ
يَبيسُ القُمَّحانِ مِنَ المُدامِ

The tax collectors, with terrible growls,

١٢. عَلى أَنيابِها بِغَريضِ مُزنٍ
تَقَبَّلَهُ الجُباةُ مِنَ الغَمامِ

13. kissed its frothing lips through the clouds.
So it lay in vessels, cooled

١٣. فَأَضحَت في مَداهِنَ بارِداتٍ
بِمُنطَلَقِ الجَنوبِ عَلى الجَهامِ

14. by the south wind blowing on skin.

١٤. تَلَذُّ لِطَعمِهِ وَتَخالُ فيهِ
إِذا نَبَّهتَها بَعدَ المَنامِ

15. It relishes the taste and imagines,
when awakened after sleep.

١٥. فَدَعها عَنكَ إِذ شَطَّت نَواها
وَلَجَّت مِن بُعادِكَ في غَرامِ

16. So leave it be, now that it wanders far
and is lost in passion away from you.

١٦. وَلَكِن ما أَتاكَ عَنِ اِبنِ هِندٍ
مِنَ الحَزمِ المُبَيَّنِ وَالتَمامِ

But what came to you from Ibn Hind

١٧. فِداءٌ ما تُقِلُّ النَعلُ مِنّي
إِلى أَعلى الذُؤابَةِ لِلهُمامِ

18. regarding perfected, clear resolve –
No shoe is too much for me to give

١٨. وَمَغزاهُ قَبائِلَ غائِظاتٍ
عَلى الذِهيَوطِ في لَجِبٍ لَهامِ

19. to the most ambitious hero.

١٩. يُقَدنَ مَعَ اِمرِئٍ يَدَعُ الهُوَينا
وَيَعمِدُ لِلمُهِمّاتِ العِظامِ

20. It means tribes, furious
against the creeping lowlanders.

٢٠. أُعينَ عَلى العَدوِّ بِكُلِّ طِرفٍ
وَسَلهَبَةٍ تُجَلَّلُ في السِمامِ

21. Marching with a man who shuns weakness
and undertakes great tasks –

٢١. وَأَسمَرَ مارِنٍ يَلتاحُ فيهِ
سِنانٌ مِثلُ نِبراسِ النِهامِ

22. Helped against the enemy on all sides
by a twisting band in the sky.

٢٢. وَأَنبَأَهُ المُنَبِّئُ أَنَّ حَيّاً
حُلولاً مِن حَرامٍ أَو جُذامِ

And a swarthy fleet courser he rides

٢٣. وَأَنَّ القَومَ نَصرُهُمُ جَميعٌ
فِئامٌ مُجلِبونَ إِلى فِئامِ

24. whose teeth are like a blade that cuts.

٢٤. فَأَورَدَهُنَّ بَطنَ الأَتمِ شُعثاً
يَصُنَّ المَشيَ كَالحِدَءِ التُؤامِ

25. And the messenger told him some news –
that a tribe is encroaching from unlawful lands

٢٥. عَلى إِثرِ الأَدِلَّةِ وَالبَغايا
وَخَفقِ الناجِياتِ مِنَ الشَآمِ

26. And that the people are fully supporting each other,
group aiding group in the battle.

٢٦. فَباتوا ساكِنينَ وَباتَ يَسري
يُقَرِّبُهُم لَهُ لَيلُ التِمامِ

27. So he drove them into the belly of darkness, disheveled,
their pace like that of a female ostrich.

٢٧. فَصَبَّحَهُم بِها صَهباءَ صِرفاً
كَأَنَّ رُؤوسَهُم بَيضُ النَعامِ

28. On the trail of guides and spies
and refugees fleeing Damascus.

٢٨. فَذاقَ المَوتُ مَن بَرَكَت عَلَيهِ
وَبِالناجينَ أَظفارٌ دَوامِ

29. They spent the night still while he crept
ever closer through the perfect dark.

٢٩. وَهُنَّ كَأَنَّهُنَّ نِعاجُ رَملٍ
يُسَوّينَ الذُيولَ عَلى الخِدامِ

30. At dawn he surprised them with whistling arrows
as if their heads were ostrich eggs.

٣٠. يُوَصّينَ الرُواةَ إِذا أَلَمّوا
بِشُعثٍ مُكرَهينَ عَلى الفِطامِ

Death tasted those it fell upon

٣١. وَأَضحى ساطِعاً بِجِبالِ حِمسى
دُقاقُ التُربِ مُختَزِمُ القَتامِ

32. while the survivors bore lasting scars.

٣٢. فَهَمَّ الطالِبونَ لِيُدرِكوهُ
وَما راموا بِذَلِكَ مِن مَرامِ

33. They were like sheep on the sand
smoothing their tails along the ground.

٣٣. إِلى صَعبِ المَقادَةِ ذي شَريسٍ
نَماهُ في فُروعِ المَجدِ نامِ

34. Instructing the storytellers, when they reminisce,
to speak of an unwanted weaning.

٣٤. أَبوهُ قَبلَهُ وَأَبو أَبيهِ
بَنَوا مَجدَ الحَياةِ عَلى إِمامِ

35. And at dawn he was shining on Jabal Hims
with swirling dust and gathered darkness.

٣٥. فَدَوَّختَ العِراقَ فَكُلُّ قَصرٍ
يُجَلَّلُ خَندَقٌ مِنهُ وَحامِ

36. Those who sought to catch him were intent,
though not for the purpose they pretended.

٣٦. وَما تَنفَكُّ مَحلولاً عُراها
عَلى مُتَناذِرِ الأَكلاءِ طامِ