1. It seems as if one of the faithful friends told Nu'man
A tale, no falsehood in it, of a fortress alive
١. إِنّي كَأَنّي لَدى النُعمانِ خَبَّرَهُ
بَعضُ الأُوُدَّ حَديثاً غَيرَ مَكذوبِ
2. With the clan of Asad, saying "Protect us!"
Their wits fled them, and the fair speaker seduced them,
٢. بِأَنَّ حِصناً وَحَيّاً مِن بَني أَسَدٍ
قاموا فَقالوا حِمانا غَيرُ مَقروبِ
3. Driving the steeds from Golan, unshod,
Among startled does roused from sleep unbroken,
٣. ضَلَّت حُلومُهُمُ عَنهُم وَغَرَّهُمُ
سَنُّ المُعَيدِيَّ في رَعيٍ وَتَعزيبِ
4. Until they cried out for help from the salt-lick people
In a camp whose sleep was broken and unrested.
٤. قادَ الجِيادَ مِنَ الجَولانِ قائِظَةً
مِن بَينِ مُنعَلَةٍ تُزجى وَمَجنوبِ
5. They were splashed with the overflow of the abundant troughs
As the water-carriers hauled the undrunk draught.
٥. حَتّى اِستَغاثَت بِأَهلِ المِلحِ ما طَعِمَت
في مَنزِلٍ طَعمَ نَومٍ غَيرَ تَأويبِ
6. The hollow bellies of the sand-grouse poured down
Like mourners' streaming tatters and trailing robes.
٦. يَنضَحنَ نَضحَ المَزادِ الوُفرِ أَتأَقَها
شَدُّ الرُواةِ بِماءٍ غَيرِ مَشروبِ
7. Dishevelled warriors with grizzled war-beards
And greying temples smelled of warriors and age.
٧. قُبُّ الأَياطِلِ تَردي في أَعِنَّتِها
كَالخاضِباتِ مِنَ الزُعرِ الظَنابيبِ
8. No drowsing in that fortress when
Voices of a lively tribe woke the guarded to alarm,
٨. شُعثٌ عَلَيها مَساعيرٌ لِحَربِهِمُ
شُمُّ العَرانينِ مِن مُردٍ وَمِن شيبِ
9. While the doubting herds crowded by the crosses
In the plain, apprehensive and assembled.
٩. وَما بِحِصنٍ نُعاسٌ إِذ تُؤَرِّقُهُ
أَصواتُ حَيٍّ عَلى الأَمرارِ مَحروبِ
10. When by God's grace their evil was stemmed,
The scout sped back to bear the news to the tribes.
١٠. ظَلَّت أَقاطيعُ أَنعامٍ مُؤَبَّلَةٍ
لَدى صَليبٍ عَلى الزَوراءِ مَنصوبِ
11. Never did they encounter, as did the clan of Asad,
What brought them to disaster and confusion.
١١. فَإِذ وُقيتِ بِحَمدِ اللَهِ شِرَّتَها
فَاِنجي فَزارَ إِلى الأَطوادِ فَاللوبِ
12. None remained save a harried fugitive, unescaping,
Or a captive, bound by ropes of palm-fibre, stripped,
١٢. وَلا تُلاقي كَما لَقَت بَنو أَسَدٍ
فَقَد أَصابَتهُمُ مِنها بِشُؤبوبِ
13. Or a noble steed, mired like grouse in the sand,
Hobbled on the hillsides among the stone slopes,
١٣. لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ طَريدٍ غَيرِ مُنفَلِتٍ
وَموثَقٍ في حِبالِ القِدِّ مَسلوبِ
14. Calling vainly for succour, while the iron bit
Bit like a file in an unyielding muzzle.
١٤. أَو حُرَّةٍ كَمَهاةِ الرَملِ قَد كُبِلَت
فَوقَ المَعاصِمِ مِنها وَالعَراقيبِ
15. Sensing their homes the prey of the invaders,
They invoked the names of Jesus, Domiyya, and Job.
١٥. تَدعو قُعَيناً وَقَد عَضَّ الحَديدُ بِها
عَضَّ الثِقافِ عَلى صُمِّ الأَنابيبِ
١٦. مُستَشعِرينَ قَدَ الفَوا في دِيارِهِمُ
دُعاءَ سوعٍ وَدُعمِيٍّ وَأَيّوبِ