
Let the tribe of Dhubyan rejoice that their land

ليهنئ بني ذبيان أن بلادهم

1. Let the tribe of Dhubyan rejoice that their land
Is free of every lord and dependent

١. لِيَهنِئ بَني ذُبيانَ أَنَّ بِلادَهُم
خَلَت لَهُمُ مِن كُلِّ مَولى وَتابِعُ

2. Except a lion they guard every dawn
With two thousand armored and armed warriors

٢. سِوى أَسَدٍ يَحمونَها كُلَّ شارِقٍ
بِأَلفَي كَميٍّ ذي سِلاحٍ وَدارِعِ

3. Sitting upon the nobles and their followers
Who surround its environs with weapons

٣. قُعوداً عَلى آلِ الوَجيهِ وَلاحِقٍ
يُقيمونَ حَولِيّاتِها بِالمَقارِعِ

4. They brandish long spears with sturdy shafts
In long bare arms without sleeves

٤. يَهُزّونَ أَرماحاً طِوالاً مُتونُها
بِأَيدٍ طِوالٍ عارِياتِ الأَشاجِعِ

5. So leave a people you cannot blame
They have joined ‘Abs in the land of lances

٥. فَدَع عَنكَ قَوماً لا عِتابَ عَلَيهِمُ
هُمُ أَلحَقوا عَبساً بِأَرضِ القَعاقِعِ

6. And the clan of ‘Amir made difficult without them, with their palms
The difficulties of obstructed childbirth

٦. وَقَد عَسَرَت مِن دونِهِم بِأَكُفِّهِم
بَنو عامِرٍ عَسرَ المَخاضِ المَوانِعِ

7. For I am neither in an arrow nor the aid of Malik
And their lord is the grasping son of Sa’d

٧. فَما أَنا في سَهمٍ وَلا نَصرِ مالِكٍ
وَمَولاهُمُ عَبدِ اِبنِ سَعدٍ بِطامِعِ

8. When they descend to abundant goods, exulting
The croaking of frogs sings to them there

٨. إِذا نَزَلوا ذا ضَرغَدٍ فَعُتائِداً
يُغَنّيهِمُ فيها نَقيقُ الضَفادِعِ

9. Sitting by their tents poisoning them
May God thrust into those haughty noses obstruction

٩. قُعوداً لَدى أَبياتِهِم يَثمِدونَها
رَمى اللَهُ في تِلكَ الأُنوفِ الكَوانِعِ