1. I concealed you at night with tearful eyes, awake
And with worries that settled in and appeared
ูก. ููุชูู
ุชููู ููููุงู ุจูุงูุฌูู
ูููู ุณุงููุฑุง
ููููู ููู
ูุงู ู
ูุณุชูููููุงู ููุธุงููุฑุง
2. The worries of a soul complaining of what disturbs it
And recurring sorrows that did not find outlets
ูข. ุฃูุญุงุฏูุซู ูููุณู ุชูุดุชููู ู
ุง ููุฑูุจููุง
ููููุฑุฏู ููู
ู ููู
ููุฌูุฏูู ู
3. It demands me to make fate do its worries
Did it ever find anyone before me able to control fate?
ูฃ. ุชูููููููููู ุฃูู ูููุนููู ุงูุฏููุฑู ููู
ููููู ููุฌูุฏูุช ููุจูู ุนููู ุงูุฏููุฑู ูุงุฏูุฑุง
4. Have you not seen the best of people, his bier
Became carried by youths after he surpassed the living
ูค. ุฃูููู
ุชูุฑู ุฎููุฑู ุงููุงุณู ุฃูุตุจูุญู ููุนุดููู
ุนููู ููุชููุฉู ููุฏ ุฌุงููุฒู ุงูุญูููู ุณุงุฆูุฑุง
5. And we, next to him, ask Allah for his eternity
To return a kingdom to us and prosperity to the land
ูฅ. ููููุญูู ููุฏูููู ููุณุฃููู ุงููููู ุฎููุฏููู
ููุฑูุฏูู ูููุง ู
ูููุงู ูููููุฃูุฑุถู ุนุงู
6. And we hope for eternity if our goblets succeed
And we fear the goblet of death if it comes gambling
ูฆ. ููููุญูู ููุฑูุฌูู ุงูุฎููุฏู ุฅูู ูุงุฒู ููุฏุญููุง
ููููุฑููุจู ููุฏุญู ุงูู
ููุชู ุฅูู ุฌุงุกู ูุงู
7. Goodness to you if the land becomes desolate with you alone
And the forefather of people goes on stumbling
ูง. ูููู ุงูุฎููุฑู ุฅูู ูุงุฑูุช ุจููู ุงูุฃูุฑุถู ูุงุญูุฏุงู
ููุฃูุตุจูุญู ุฌูุฏูู ุงููุงุณู ููุธููุนู ุนุงุซูุฑุง
8. And the steeds of the ambitious return humiliated
Your steeds that time does not clothe with horseshoes
ูจ. ููุฑูุฏููุช ู
ูุทุงูุง ุงูุฑุงุบูุจููู ููุนูุฑููููุช
ุฌููุงุฏููู ูุง ููุญูู ูููุง ุงูุฏููุฑู ุญุงููุฑุง
9. I saw you observing me with an insightful eye
And sending guards to watch over me
ูฉ. ุฑูุฃููุชููู ุชูุฑุนุงูู ุจูุนูููู ุจูุตูุฑูุฉู
ููุชูุจุนูุซู ุญูุฑูุงุณุงู ุนูููููู ูููุงุธูุฑุง
10. That is because of words that came to you I say
And because my enemies incite you against me
ูกู . ููุฐููููู ู
ูู ููููู ุฃูุชุงูู ุฃููููููู
ูู ุฏูุณูู ุฃูุนุฏุงุฆู ุฅูููููู ุงูู
11. So I swore I will not come to you if I come a sinner
Nor will I seek a neighbor other than you
ูกูก. ููุขูููุชู ูุง ุขุชููู ุฅูู ุฌูุฆุชู ู
ูููุง ุฃูุจุชูุบู ุฌุงุฑุงู ุณููุงูู ู
12. So my family is ransom for a man if I come to him
Who accepts my good deed and closes the gaps
ูกูข. ููุฃูููู ููุฏุงุกู ููุงูู
ุฑูุฆู ุฅูู ุฃูุชููุชููู
ุชูููุจูููู ู
ูุนุฑููู ููุณูุฏูู ุงูู
13. I will muzzle my dog lest its barking disturbs you
Even if I were herding pregnant camels
ูกูฃ. ุณูุฃููุนูู
ู ูููุจู ุฃูู ููุฑูุจููู ููุจุญููู
ููุฅูู ูููุชู ุฃูุฑุนู ู
ูุณุญููุงูู ููุญุงู
14. And my abodes settled in an impregnable cliff
Where the shepherd of the camels takes off flying
ูกูค. ููุญููููุช ุจูููุชู ูู ูููุงุนู ู
ุชูุฎุงูู ุจููู ุฑุงุนู ุงูุญูู
ูููุฉู ุทุงุฆูุฑุง
15. The howling winds strip the summit of its hurling
And sacrifice its surroundings to the abundant clouds
ูกูฅ. ุชูุฒูููู ุงูููุนููู ุงูุนูุตู
ู ุนูู ููุฐููุงุชููู
ููุชูุถุญู ุฐูุฑุงูู ุจูุงูุณูุญุงุจู ูููุงููุฑุง
16. Beware that my honor and my women are not touched
Until they die free women
ูกูฆ. ุญูุฐุงุฑุงู ุนููู ุฃูู ูุง ุชููุงูู ู
ูููุง ููุณููุชู ุญูุชูู ููู
ูุชูู ุญูุฑุงุฆูุฑุง
17. I say even if the abode parts me from you
When we meet someone traveling from Maโad
ูกูง. ุฃููููู ููุฅูู ุดูุทููุช ุจููู ุงูุฏุงุฑู ุนููููู
ุฅูุฐุง ู
ุง ููููููุง ู
ูู ู
ูุนูุฏูู ู
18. Direct me to al-Nuโman where you met him
So Allah guided the early downpours to him
ูกูจ. ุฃูููููู ุฅููู ุงูููุนู
ุงูู ุญููุซู ููููุชููู
ููุฃููุฏู ูููู ุงููููู ุงูุบูููุซู ุงูุจููุงููุฑุง
19. And he washed him in a flood but his foot
Remained triumphant over all who opposed him
ูกูฉ. ููุตูุจููุญููู ูููุฌู ูููุง ุฒุงูู ููุนุจููู
ุนููู ููููู ู
ูู ุนุงุฏู ู
ููู ุงููุงุณู ุธุงููุฑุง
20. And Allah cultivated the best of his making upon him
And was his supporter against the humans
ูขู . ููุฑูุจูู ุนูููููู ุงููููู ุฃูุญุณููู ุตููุนููู
ูููุงูู ูููู ุนููู ุงูุจูุฑููููุฉู ูุงุตูุฑุง
21. So I found him one day annihilating his enemy
And a sea of generosity the crossers underestimate
ูขูก. ููุฃูููููุชููู ูููู
ุงู ููุจูุฏู ุนูุฏููููู
ููุจูุญุฑู ุนูุทุงุกู ููุณุชูุฎูููู ุงูู