1. If Abu Qubays can overcome me,
You will find me with him, in good standing,
١. فَإِن يَقدِر عَلَيَّ أَبو قُبَيسٍ
تَجِدني عِندَهُ حَسَنَ المَكانِ
2. You will find me; absent I was better than you,
More eloquent in speech and sharp of tooth.
٢. تَجِدني كُنتُ خَيراً مِنكَ غَيباً
وَأَمضى بِاللِسانِ وَبِالسِنانِ
3. And what people are more treacherous than Sham,
With his unsheathed tongue ever ready.
٣. وَأَيُّ الناسِ أَغدَرُ مِن شَآمٍ
لَهُ صُرَدانِ مُنطَلِقِ اللِسانِ
4. For the treachery of Ma‘add is well-known,
He built it among the tribes of Dhubyan.
٤. فَإِنَّ الغَدرَ قَد عَلِمَت مَعَدٌّ
بَناهُ في بَني ذُبيانَ باني
5. And indeed the stallion is gelded,
And becomes lackluster, scraped of virility.
٥. وَإِنَّ الفَحلَ تُنزَعُ خُصيَتاهُ
فَيُصبِحُ جافِراً قَرِحَ العِجانِ