
Bid farewell to Ummama though parting is but an excuse,

ودع أمامة والتوديع تعذير

1. Bid farewell to Ummama though parting is but an excuse,
Your farewell is not from one stopped by luggage camels.

١. وَدِّع أُمامَةَ وَالتَوديعُ تَعذيرُ
وَما وَداعُكَ مَن قَفَّت بِهِ العيرُ

2. I saw you but a fleeting glance,
The day they rode out and the commander gave orders.

٢. وَما رَأَيتُكَ إِلّا نَظرَةً عَرَضَت
يَومَ النِمارَةِ وَالمَأمورُ مَأمورُ

3. Surely returning to loved ones, though far away,
Is like evening for them with the saddles still warm.

٣. إِنَّ القُفولَ إِلى حَيٍّ وَإِن بَعُدوا
أَمسَوا وَدونَهُمُ ثَهلانُ فَالنيرُ

4. Can fragments of parchment convey a message for me,
Full of yearning and twisting of fiber?

٤. هَل تُبَلِّغنيهِمُ حَرفٌ مُصَرَّمَةٌ
أُجدُ الفَقارِ وَإِدلاجٌ وَتَهجيرُ

5. Half a year has passed, fresh new months,
As she wanders confused, the camels led on.

٥. قَد عُرِّيَت نِصفَ حَولٍ أَشهُراً جُدُداً
يَسفي عَلى رَحلِها بِالحيرَةِ المورُ

6. Though untried, she took the risk and was sold for her
Cheap ornaments and flimsy garments.

٦. وَقارَفَت وَهيَ لَم تَجرَب وَباعَ لَها
مِنَ الفَصافِصِ بِالنُمِّيِّ سِفسيرُ

7. She sees no friends around her, only her rider
Drunk on wine in the litter of a sand grouse.

٧. لَيسَت تَرى حَولَها إِلفاً وَراكِبُها
نَشوانُ في جَوَّةِ الباغوثِ مَخمورُ

8. She casts the little bustards in the fold of her refuge
White in front of her, the hay strewn about.

٨. تُلقي الإِوَزّينَ في أَكنافِ دارَتِها
بَيضاً وَبَينَ يَدَيها التِبنُ مَنشورُ

9. Were it not for the virtues hoped for as bonus,
Her rider would say to his friends "let's move on."

٩. لَولا الهُمامُ الَّذي تُرجى نَوافِلُهُ
لَقالَ راكِبُها في عُصبَةٍ سيروا

10. As if dye stained the edges, worn out, fatigued,
The camel's hump dusty from the howdah's straps.

١٠. كَأَنَّها خاضِبٌ أَظلافَهُ لَهِقٌ
قَهدُ الإِهابِ تَرَبَّتهُ الزَنانيرُ

11. From a report she heard, listening intently,
Her bridle muffled in coarse fabric.

١١. أَصاخَ مِن نَبأَةٍ أَصغى لَها أُذُناً
صِماخُها بِدَخيسِ الرَوقِ مَستورُ

12. With sensitivity of a smooth wool cloak they hurry underneath,
As if her lower lip was shaved bare.

١٢. مِن حِسِّ أَطلَسَ تَسعى تَحتَهُ شِرَعٌ
كَأَنَّ أَحناكَها السُفلى مَآشيرُ

13. Her demon rider complains, bargaining,
"At least let us have mutton, even just scraps."

١٣. يَقولُ راكِبُها الجِنِّيُّ مُرتَفِقاً
هَذا لَكُنَّ وَلَحمُ الشاةِ مَحجورُ