
The clan of Aamir said, leave the clan of Asad alone

قالت بنو عامر خالوا بني أسد

1. The clan of Aamir said, leave the clan of Asad alone
Oh the misery of ignorance, so harmful to the people

١. قالَت بَنو عامِرٍ خالوا بَني أَسَدٍ
يا بُؤسَ لِلجَهلِ ضَرّاراً لِأَقوامِ

2. Misfortune refuses substitution with them
And we do not want solitude after settlement

٢. يَأبى البَلاءُ فَلا نَبغي بِهِم بَدَلاً
وَلا نُريدُ خَلاءً بَعدَ إِحكامِ

3. So make peace with us altogether if it seems good to you
And do not say such words to us again

٣. فَصالِحونا جَميعاً إِن بَدا لَكُمُ
وَلا تَقولوا لَنا أَمثالَها عامِ

4. I fear for you all that you will have
A day like those days because of their hatred

٤. إِنّي لَأَخشى عَلَيكُم أَن يَكونَ لَكُم
مِن أَجلِ بَغضائِهِم يَومٌ كَأَيّامِ

5. Its stars appear and the sun rises
There is no light that is light, and no darkness that is darkness

٥. تَبدو كَواكِبُهُ وَالشَمسُ طالِعَةٌ
لا النورُ نورٌ وَلا الإِظلامُ إِظلامُ

6. Or you will deter a furious one with no match
Like the night that mixes lines with lines

٦. أَو تَزجُروا مُكفَهِرّاً لا كِفاءَ لَهُ
كَاللَيلِ يَخلِطُ أَصراماً بِأَصرامِ

7. My throat collectors advance them
Striking the neck veins, hitting the protectors

٧. مُستَحقِبي حَلَقِ الماذِيِّ يَقدُمُهُم
شُمُّ العَرانينِ ضَرّابونَ لِلهامِ

8. They have a banner in the hands of glorious brave Majid
None can cut through it except its sharp edge

٨. لَهُم لِواءٌ بِكَفَّي ماجِدٍ بَطَلٍ
لا يَقطَعُ الخَرقَ إِلّا طَرفُهُ سامِ

9. It leads regiments of green that cannot protect them
Except rushing to death forcibly

٩. يَهدي كَتائِبَ خُضراً لَيسَ يَعصِمُها
إِلّا اِبتِدارٌ إِلى مَوتٍ بِإِلجامِ

10. How many of your horses did our horses leave behind in battle
With feet behind feet after palms

١٠. كَم غادَرَت خَيلُنا مِنكُم بِمُعتَرَكٍ
لِلخامِعاتِ أَكُفّاً بَعدَ أَقدامِ

11. Oh Lord of the one with a bosom friend, we are aggrieved by him
And the loss of Motamayin, who were not orphans

١١. يا رُبَّ ذاتِ خَليلٍ قَد فُجِعنَ بِهِ
وَموتَمينَ وَكانوا غَيرَ أَيتامِ

12. And the horses know that in their quickness
We are most wretched yet hopeful in the striking of spears

١٢. وَالخَيلُ تَعلَمُ أَنّا في تَجاوُلِها
عِندَ الطِعانِ أُلو بُؤسى وَإِنعامِ

13. They turned away and their rams recoiled from its forehead
Lying slain at the fight, their insides bloody

١٣. وَلَّوا وَكَبشُهُمُ يَكبو لِجَبهَتِهِ
عِندَ الكُماةِ صَريعاً جَوفُهُ دامِ