1. Is it the fragrance of the House of Mayya, or an impassioned lover?
Unbridled steeds without provision, unrestrained.
١. أَمِن آلِ مَيَّةَ رائِحٌ أَو مُغتَدِ
عَجلانَ ذا زادٍ وَغَيرَ مُزَوَّدِ
2. Our saddles still weigh down our mounts, as if
They were firmly strapped and steadfast.
٢. أَفِدَ التَرَجُّلُ غَيرَ أَنَّ رِكابَنا
لَمّا تَزُل بِرِحالِنا وَكَأَن قَدِ
3. The messengers claimed our departure would be tomorrow,
And the raven-black courier told us this.
٣. زَعَمَ البَوارِحُ أَنَّ رِحلَتَنا غَداً
وَبِذاكَ خَبَّرَنا الغُدافُ الأَسوَدُ
4. No welcome or greeting for tomorrow,
If it brings separation from loved ones.
٤. لا مَرحَباً بِغَدٍ وَلا أَهلاً بِهِ
إِن كانَ تَفريقُ الأَحِبَّةِ في غَدِ
5. The time of departure came, and no farewell to Mahdada,
The morn and eve were my appointed time.
٥. حانَ الرَحيلُ وَلَم تُوَدِّع مَهدَداً
وَالصُبحُ وَالإِمساءُ مِنها مَوعِدي
6. Because a singing girl shot you with her arrow,
Striking your heart though she did not mean to.
٦. في إِثرِ غانِيَةٍ رَمَتكَ بِسَهمِها
فَأَصابَ قَلبَكَ غَيرَ أَن لَم تُقصِدِ
7. She sang of that, as they were your neighbours,
With a message of affection and courtship.
٧. غَنيَت بِذَلِكَ إِذ هُمُ لَكَ جيرَةٌ
مِنها بِعَطفِ رِسالَةٍ وَتَوَدُّدِ
8. And she had struck his heart with love for her,
With a well-aimed arrow from Marwan's back.
٨. وَلَقَد أَصابَت قَلبَهُ مِن حُبِّها
عَن ظَهرِ مِرنانٍ بِسَهمٍ مُصرَدِ
9. She looked with a kohl-darkened eyelid, fluttering,
More bent than the bentest of bent eyelids.
٩. نَظَرَت بِمُقلَةِ شادِنٍ مُتَرَبِّبٍ
أَحوى أَحَمِّ المُقلَتَينِ مُقَلَّدِ
10. With verse arrayed like the necklace adorning her neck,
Molten gold blazing like leaping flames.
١٠. وَالنَظمُ في سِلكٍ يُزَيَّنُ نَحرَها
ذَهَبٌ تَوَقَّدُ كَالشِهابِ الموقَدِ
11. Pale as an oriole, perfect in form,
Like a branch in its prime, supple and swaying.
١١. صَفراءُ كَالسِيَراءِ أُكمِلَ خَلقُها
كَالغُصنِ في غُلَوائِهِ المُتَأَوِّدِ
12. A belly soft and slight, its surface smooth,
With prominent breasts the fingers could grasp.
١٢. وَالبَطنُ ذو عُكَنٍ لَطيفٌ طَيُّهُ
وَالإِتبُ تَنفُجُهُ بِثَديٍ مُقعَدِ
13. Steadfast in the saddle, not tossing about,
Bareback rider solid in pose.
١٣. مَحطوطَةُ المَتنَينِ غَيرُ مُفاضَةٍ
رَيّا الرَوادِفِ بَضَّةُ المُتَجَرَّدِ
14. She stood to be seen between saddlebags,
Like the rising sun on its brightest dawn.
١٤. قامَت تَراءى بَينَ سَجفَي كِلَّةٍ
كَالشَمسِ يَومَ طُلوعِها بِالأَسعُدِ
15. Or a pearl inside an oyster shell,
Dazzling to behold, inducing prostration.
١٥. أَو دُرَّةٍ صَدَفِيَّةٍ غَوّاصُها
بَهِجٌ مَتى يَرَها يُهِلَّ وَيَسجُدِ
16. Or a marble doll raised up high,
Built of baked bricks, interlaced and checkerboard.
١٦. أَو دُميَةٍ مِن مَرمَرٍ مَرفوعَةٍ
بُنِيَت بِآجُرٍّ تُشادُ وَقَرمَدِ
17. The kerchief slipped, and she did not mean to drop it,
So she caught it, sparing us with her hand.
١٧. سَقَطَ النَصيفُ وَلَم تُرِد إِسقاطَهُ
فَتَناوَلَتهُ وَاِتَّقَتنا بِاليَدِ
18. Dyed a cheap red, as if its fabric
Were gossamer, almost too delicate to knot.
١٨. بِمُخَضَّبٍ رَخصٍ كَأَنَّ بَنانَهُ
عَنَمٌ يَكادُ مِنَ اللَطافَةِ يُعقَدِ
19. She looked to you with an unmet need,
Like a sick man looking to loving faces.
١٩. نَظَرَت إِلَيكَ بِحاجَةٍ لَم تَقضِها
نَظَرَ السَقيمِ إِلى وُجوهِ العُوَّدِ
20. Dawn lit her pair of doves, cooling
With gentle tread, barely rippling the water.
٢٠. تَجلو بِقادِمَتَي حَمامَةِ أَيكَةٍ
بَرَداً أُسِفَّ لِثاتُهُ بِالإِثمِدِ
21. Like an ostrich flock the morning after losing its sky,
Their tops and bottoms dried of rain.
٢١. كَالأُقحُوانِ غَداةَ غِبَّ سَمائِهِ
جَفَّت أَعاليهِ وَأَسفَلُهُ نَدي
22. The passions claimed her mouth was cool,
Sweet to kiss, delectable watering-place.
٢٢. زَعَمَ الهُمامُ بِأَنَّ فاها بارِدٌ
عَذبٌ مُقَبَّلُهُ شَهِيُّ المَورِدِ
23. The passions claimed, though I never tasted,
That it was sweet, and if I tasted I would say "give me more!"
٢٣. زَعَمَ الهُمامُ وَلَم أَذُقهُ أَنَّهُ
عَذبٌ إِذا ما ذُقتَهُ قُلتَ اِزدُدِ
24. The passions claimed, though I never tasted,
That her saliva could quench the most raging thirst.
٢٤. زَعَمَ الهُمامُ وَلَم أَذُقهُ أَنَّهُ
يُشفى بِرَيّا ريقِها العَطِشُ الصَدي
25. She took her necklace and strung it together
With a sequence of contiguous, aligned pearls.
٢٥. أَخَذَ العَذارى عِقدَها فَنَظَمنَهُ
مِن لُؤلُؤٍ مُتَتابِعٍ مُتَسَرِّدِ
26. Had she displayed it to the devout hermit,
Who worships God with great devotion,
٢٦. لَو أَنَّها عَرَضَت لِأَشمَطَ راهِبٍ
عَبَدَ الإِلَهِ صَرورَةٍ مُتَعَبِّدِ
27. We would have seen, from her charm and pleasant talk,
And her tattoo, wisdom, though he was not wise.
٢٧. لَرَنا لِبَهجَتِها وَحُسنِ حَديثِها
وَلَخالَهُ رُشداً وَإِن لَم يَرشُدِ
28. With a speech, if you could hear it,
The nearby mountains would soften from its impact.
٢٨. بِتَكَلُّمٍ لَو تَستَطيعُ سَماعَهُ
لَدَنَت لَهُ أَروى الهِضابِ الصُخَّدِ
29. With an unsheathed, well-built, sturdy leg,
Bent like a vine leaning on a pillar.
٢٩. وَبِفاحِمٍ رَجلٍ أَثيثٍ نَبتُهُ
كَالكَرمِ مالَ عَلى الدِعامِ المُسنَدِ
30. When you touched, you felt something crouched and ready,
Holding its position, filling the hand.
٣٠. فَإِذا لَمَستَ لَمَستَ أَجثَمَ جاثِماً
مُتَحَيِّزاً بِمَكانِهِ مِلءَ اليَدِ
31. And when you stabbed, you stabbed into one experienced in combat,
A seasoned horseman, perfumed and embroidered.
٣١. وَإِذا طَعَنتَ طَعَنتَ في مُشَهدِفٍ
رابي المَجَسَّةِ بِالعَبيرِ مُقَرمَدِ
32. And when you pulled away, you pulled from one who fortifies,
Like stripping millet stalks at harvest.
٣٢. وَإِذا نَزَعتَ نَزَعتَ عَن مُستَحصِفٍ
نَزعَ الحَزَوَّرِ بِالرَشاءِ المُحصَدِ
33. And when he bites, his limbs constrict
Like a full-grown man, mute but intent.
٣٣. وَإِذا يَعَضُّ تَشُدُّهُ أعضاؤهُ
عَضَّ الكَبيرِ مِنَ الرِجالِ الأَدرَدِ
34. He nearly strips the skin of whoever he wraps around
With a blistering grip like burning embers.
٣٤. وَيَكادُ يَنزِعُ جِلدَ مَن يُصلى بِهِ
بِلَوافِحٍ مِثلِ السَعيرِ الموقَدِ
35. None who approach can evade and leave,
Nor any who arrive can evade and depart.
٣٥. لا وارِدٌ مِنها يَحورُ لِمَصدَرٍ
عَنها وَلا صَدِرٌ يَحورُ لِمَورِدِ