1. The outlines of the dwellings aroused your longing
In the gardens of Nu'mayy, the owner of wide spaces
١. أَهاجَكَ مِن أَسماءَ رَسمُ المَنازِلِ
بِرَوضَةِ نُعمِيٍّ فَذاتِ الأَجاوِلِ
2. The spirits were comforted by it, as though
They were gently rocking at its summit among the palm trees
٢. أَرَبَّت بِها الأَرواحُ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تَهادَينَ أَعلى تُربِها بِالمَناخِلِ
3. And every pregnant cloud, its darkness intense
Is like a procession of camels, fully laden
٣. وَكُلُّ مُلِثٍ مُكفَهِرٍ سَحابُهُ
كَميشِ التَوالي مُرثَعِنَّ الأَسافِلِ
4. When the millstone rumbles within it, churning,
It rains copiously, pouring down showers
٤. إِذا رَجَفَت فيهِ رَحىً مُرجَحِنَّةٌ
تَبَعَّقَ ثَجّاجٌ غَزيرُ الحَوافِلِ
5. I knew them alive, generous, but they were changed
To cranes, with long necks, wandering freely
٥. عَهِدتُ بِها حَيّاً كِراماً فَبُدِّلَت
خَناطيلَ آجالِ النِعامِ الجَوافِلِ
6. You see every long-necked one vying with another
On every towering sand dune
٦. تَرى كُلَّ ذَيّالٍ يُعارِضُ رَبرَباً
عَلى كُلِّ رَجّافٍ مِنَ الرَملِ هائِلِ
7. They paw the pebbles until they feel its coolness
When the sun beats down with intense heat
٧. يُثِرنَ الحَصى حَتّى يُباشِرنَ بَردَهُ
إِذا الشَمسُ مَجَّت ريقَها بِالكَلاكِلِ
8. And I rode a smooth-gaited she-camel, in a beloved's saddle
Like a Yemeni mare, heading for the waterholes
٨. وَناجِيَةٍ عَدَّيتُ في مَتنِ لاحِبٍ
كَسَحلِ اليَماني قاصِدٍ لِلمَناهِلِ
9. It has resting places where it goes alone to drink
To every freshwater spring in the horizon
٩. لَهُ خُلُجٌ تَهوي فُرادى وَتَرعَوي
إِلى كُلِّ ذي نيرَينِ بادي الشَواكِلِ
10. And I was distracted from meeting you by an event
And a care that came, besides your cares, distracting me
١٠. وَإِنّي عَداني عَن لِقائِكِ حادِثٌ
وَهَمٌّ أَتى مِن دونِ هَمَّكِ شاغِلُ
11. I advised the Bani ‘Awf, but they did not accept
My advice, and my means were not successful with them
١١. نَصَحتُ بَني عَوفٍ فَلَم يَتَقَبَّلوا
وَصاتي وَلَم تَنجَح لَدَيهِم وَسائِلي
12. So I said to them, “I will not recognize
Maidens by my couch, or a wise old man
١٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُم لا أَعرِفَنَّ عَقائِلاً
رَعابيبَ مِن جَنبَي أَريكٍ وَعاقِلِ
13. Rushing with hands behind bright curtains
Beautiful visions like the sand grouse in pairs
١٣. ضَوارِبَ بِالأَيدي وَراءَ بَراغِزٍ
حِسانٍ كَآرامِ الصَريمِ الخَواذِلِ
14. Through the range of view, they are linked, and there came
Waterskins of leather, below them and the skins
١٤. خِلالَ المَطايا يَتَّصِلنَ وَقَد أَتَت
قِنانُ أَبيرٍ دونَها وَالكَوائِلِ
15. And they left it between association and a comrade
Parting from the mixed company, vexatious, blighting
١٥. وَخَلّوا لَهُ بَينَ الجِنابِ وَعالِجٍ
فِراقَ الخَليطِ ذي الأَذاةِ المُزايِلِ
16. And I do not recognize, after I prohibited you
That I contend one day over roasted meat and a gambler
١٦. وَلا أَعرِفَنّي بَعدَما قَد نَهَيتُكُم
أُجادِلُ يَوماً في شَوِيٍّ وَجامِلِ
17. And white sheep with teary eyes
Driven away with a crook in flocks”
١٧. وَبيضٍ غَريراتٍ تَفيضُ دُموعُها
بِمُستَكرَهٍ يُذرينَهُ بِالأَنامِلِ
18. And I feared so much that my fear
Would not increase over a sharp-witted foal
١٨. وَقَد خِفتُ حَتّى ما تَزيدُ مَخافَتي
عَلى وَعِلٍ في ذي المَطارَةِ عاقِلِ
19. The fear that ‘Amr’s horses may be
Led out to us between valiant and swift
١٩. مَخافَةَ عَمروٍ أَن تَكونَ جِيادُهُ
يُقَدنَ إِلَينا بَينَ حافٍ وَناعِلِ
20. If they were rushed from the pace of their walking
They jerk their necks, stampeding in throngs
٢٠. إِذا اِستَعجَلوها عَن سَجِيَّةِ مَشيها
تَتَلَّعُ في أَعناقِها بِالجَحافِلِ
21. Geldings whose manes have turned
To yellow from long journeys and partings
٢١. شَوازِبَ كَالأَجلامِ قَد آلَ رِمُّها
سَماحيقَ صُفراً في تَليلٍ وَفائِلِ
22. And they hurl the boys in every stop
Tumbling in theirequipment like floodwaters
٢٢. وَيَقذِفنَ بِالأَولادِ في كُلِّ مَنزِلٍ
تَشَحَّطُ في أَسلائِها كَالوَصائِلِ
23. You see wild birds have grown accustomed to them
Well-fed on millet and scattered grain
٢٣. تَرى عافِياتِ الطَيرِ قَد وَثِقَت لَها
بِشَبعٍ مِنَ السَخلِ العِتاقِ الأَكائِلِ
24. It sees the hooves land so they are gentle
Like feathers floating softly downwards
٢٤. يَرى وَقَعُ الصَوّانِ حَدَّ نُسورِها
فَهُنَّ لِطافٌ كَالصِعادِ الذَوابِلِ
25. Coupled with the stallion and sorrel like the anklets
On which are fastened the rounded bells
٢٥. مُقَرَّنَةً بِالعيسِ وَالأُدمِ كَالقَنا
عَلَيها الخُبورُ مُحقَباتُ المَراجِلِ
26. And every silent, following, dependent weakling
And Sulaym’s progeny, all are protectors
٢٦. وَكُلُّ صَموتٍ نَثلَةٍ تُبَّعِيَّةٍ
وَنَسجُ سُلَيمٍ كُلَّ قَضّاءَ ذائِلِ
27. They carried trappings and were girded with halters
So they are resplendent, pure white
٢٧. عُلينَ بِكِديَونٍ وَأُبطِنَّ كَرَّةً
فَهُنَّ وِضاءٌ صافِياتُ القَلائِلِ
28. The resolve of a man which distance does not destroy
Seeking the enemies, evident, not fading
٢٨. عَتادُ اِمرُؤٍ لا يَنقُضُ البُعدُ هَمَّهُ
طَلوبُ الأَعادي واضِحٌ غَيرُ خامِلِ
29. At times he holds back death with his palms
At times smoothly, from a gift and attainment
٢٩. تَحينُ بِكَفَّيهِ المَنايا وَتارَةً
تَسُحّانِ سَحّاً مِن عَطاءٍ وَنائِلِ
30. When he encamps on barren land, it becomes
Gloomy like a face whose end is fruitless
٣٠. إِذا حَلَّ بِالأَرضِ البَريَّةِ أَصبَحَت
كَئيبَةَ وَجهٍ غِبُّها غَيرُ طائِلِ
31. He comes with a troop as though its beauty
When it descends the flat land is a hot ember
٣١. يَؤُمَ بِرِبعِيٍّ كَأَنَّ زُهائَهُ
إِذا هَبَطَ الصَحراءَ حَرَّةُ راجِلِ