1. Your deeds have brought great merit
And ascension, no consent or merit
١. بشراك تم بفعلك الفضلُ
وسما فلا رضوى ولا الفضل
2. And the roots of glory grew tall
When our master took pride in bearing them
٢. وغدَت أصول المجد باسقةً
إذ فخر مولانا لها حِمل
3. And security spread among all people
So that the sheep were valued by the ram
٣. والأمن عمَّ الخَلق أجمعهم
فالشاة صار يسومها الحِطَل
4. And the roots of religion took hold
With stalk and were nearly afflicted by blight
٤. وأصول غرس الدين قد مَتنت
ساقاً وكاد يصيبها بَتلُ
5. The eyes of faith were lined with kohl
And the group came together after dispersal
٥. كحلت عيون الدين غِب قَذى
والتامَ بعد تَفَرُّقٍ شَملُ
6. No honor after this deed
So take pride and rightfully yours is length
٦. ما بعد هذا الفعل مكرمةٌ
فافخر وحَقَّ لمثلك الطَّولُ
7. For how you climbed to a high place
But then this was not like it
٧. فَلَكَم عَرَجتَ إلى محل على
لكن لذا لمّا يكن مِثلُ
8. You surpassed kings thereby and cracked down on
All the people so all obeyed you
٨. فُقتَ الملوك به وشِدتَ على
كل الورى فأطاعك الكُلُّ
9. And your name rang out in the lands and in the
Wilderness where the oryx calls
٩. وأذيعَ ذِكرُك في البلاد وفي ال
زيزاء حيث يُرَنّ َح الأَثلُ
10. So you roused all the unjust people
Since rationality and justice shone from you
١٠. فأهبت أهل الجور أجمعهزو
مذ زان منك الحلم والعَدلُ
11. When you were mentioned to them and their minds
Were vigilant it was as if they were confused
١١. فإذا ذُكِرَت لهم وعَقلُهُم
راسٍ وهي فكأنَّ بهم خَبلُ
12. For mankind when they have
A brave minister, a courageous recorder
١٢. فالبشرُ للخُنكار حيث له
بَطلٌ وزيرٌ باسلٌ سِجلُ
13. An ambitious perfect king
Brave, generous, a noble prince
١٣. قَرم همامٌ كاملٌ ملكٌ
شهمٌ جواد سيد خَدلُ
14. A rain in time of need, treasure of the needy
Lenient towards every virtuous folk
١٤. غيثٌ غياثٌ كنزُ مفتقرٍ
سمحٌ لكل فضيلةٍ أهلُ
15. At peace like a sea on a dewy day
But against his enemies set aflame
١٥. ذو راحةٍ كالبحر يوم ندىً
لكن على أعدائه تُكلُ
16. With high ambition that lowers
Difficult matters and unties knots
١٦. ذو هِمَّة عليا يَذِلّ لها
صعبُ الأمور ويسهل العَضل
17. And Antarah the brave is humbled by it
And Hatem's stinginess seems generosity by it
١٧. ويَذِلُّ عنترةُ الشجاع لها
وينال حاتَم عندها بُخلُ
18. And in the melee the brave release by it
Beautifying thereby slaying and slaughtering
١٨. ولدى الوغى يسطو الكُماة بها
فيزين منه القَصم والقَصلُ
19. And he roams in the fray so you'd think him
A lion called to the aid of cubs
١٩. ويجول في الهيجا فتحسبه
أسداً دعاه لنصرةٍ شِبلُ
20. He leaves the brave, archers split by his blades
And horses flee his pouncing
٢٠. يدع الكماة رماة صارمه
وتفر من وثباته الخيلُ
21. Hitting them like dark night so neither
Eagerness nor kicking were discerned in him
٢١. بمطّهم مثل الظليم فلم
يُعرَف لديه النهم والرَّكل
22. He runs and reason runs after him
Missing him and reason regrets
٢٢. يجري فيجري العقل يتبعه
فيفوت ثَمَّ ويحسر العقل
23. The skittish mares know that against him
There is no salvation, and the stallion knows it
٢٣. تدري المها أن لا نجاة لها
منه ويعلمُ ذلك الوَعلُ
24. For how often has he recklessly charged a people
And circled their abode while they had no power
٢٤. فلَكَم عليه الشهم غار على
قوم ودون مَنالِهم حَولُ
25. He sped over the barrens against them taking them
By surprise so their roads narrowed
٢٥. فطوى القفارَ به ففاجأهم
سَحَراً فضاق عليهم السُّبلُ
26. Or have you not seen when the unruly
Clan of Ma disobeyed him and scorn provoked him
٢٦. أو ما ترى لما عصاه بنو
ماء السماء وغرَّهم نَذلُ
27. So he besieged them and opened their fortress
With a conquest that bewilders the mind
٢٧. فَحَصَرته فَفَتَحتَ معقِلها
فتحاً يطيش لفتكه العَقلُ
28. And they came to him while fear fettered him
As if chains were on his legs
٢٨. وأتوا به فالرعب أوثَقَه
فكأنما في رِجلِه غِلُّ
29. And the pigeons waved over him on
White outstretched for them and burnished
٢٩. وبدا الحِمام له يلوح على
بيضٍ مُشَرَّعةٍ لها صَقلُ
30. Their blades severed his joints
So loss and perdition were adorned by them
٣٠. فَصَلت بحِدَّتها مفاصله
فازدان منها البَترُ والبَتلُ
31. Your partnership, the claim of tyranny is severed
And your passing sword was its severing
٣١. بشراك دعوى البغي قد فُصِلَت
وحسامُك الماضي لها فصلُ
32. And the enemies' thorns were abased
Besieged by withering afflicted by decline
٣٢. وتَهَنَّ فالأعداء شوكتهم
غِبَّ النُّمُوِّ أصابها جَذل
33. They transgressed and the sword made them euro
And for the aggressor is death
٣٣. فهم اعتدوا والسيف أرَّخَهم
ولجزاء المعتدي القتلُ