1. The baa has a great secret, if I divulge it
I would be the first to sanction shedding my blood
١. للباء سِرٌّ عظيم لو أبوح به
لكنت أوّلَ من أفتى بسفك دمي
2. Through it benevolence appeared, and it is the veil for us
So whoever goes beyond it, the foot of eternity turns them back
٢. بها الجود بدا وهي الحجاب لنا
فمن تجاوز ردَّته يدُ القِدَم
3. And it is the goal for whoever desires existence, and whoever
Unfurls from it the carpet of creation will not be blamed
٣. وهي المرام لمن رام الوجود ومن
يحلّ منها بساطَ البَسط لم يُضَم
4. When it appears, personalities stand out prominent
For it, and the eye turns away from it, blind
٤. إذا بدَّت ظلَّت الأشخاص شاخصة
لها وعنها يكلّ الطرف وهو عمي
5. It multiplied through its beauty, while it is one
From where its beautiful names are understood
٥. تكثَّرت بحلاها وهي واحدةٌ
من حيث أسماؤها الحسنى لمُفتَهم
6. It clothed the whole creation in its colors
The garment of generosity, so the darkness of nonexistence vanished
٦. كست بألوانها الأكوان قاطبة
ثوب الجود فزالت ظلمة العدم
7. So what was happened from what you see and we see
Of a oneness veiled by letters and words
٧. فكان ما كان مما قد ترى ونرى
من وحدةٍ حجبت بالحرف والكلم