
Congratulations, O exalted one, O noble one,

بشراك يا مفضال يا ذا الرفعة

1. Congratulations, O exalted one, O noble one,
O valiant one, O generous one, O man of resolve,

١. بشراك يا مفضال يا ذا الرفعةَ
يا شهم يا معطاء يا ذا الهمَّةِ

2. O you who excelled your peers, thus reaching
The seat of rule, a precious pearl, finely crafted,

٢. يا من سما أقرانه فغدا على
دست الإمارة ضيغماً ذا لبدة

3. You were singled out with complete victory, and its Lord
Favored the Supported One, who is the essence of triumph,

٣. أفردت بالنصر العميم وربّها
خصَّ المؤيَّدَ وهو عين النُصرةِ

4. And you were granted from the Lord of beings a gift
Welcomed, with which the Giver honored more than any gift,

٤. ومُنحت من رب العباد بمنحة
مقبولة أكرم بها من منحةِ

5. With the coming of a newborn, through whom sorrow
Was removed from us - so our era rejoices with delight -

٥. بمجيء مولود به زال العنا
عنّا فمنه عصرُنا بمسرَّةِ

6. He came on the First to herald that he
Is the One, with every merit and praise,

٦. قد جاء في أحَدَ ليؤذنَ أنّه
أحَدٌ بكل فضيلة ومديحة

7. Baghdad wandered astray, for it became, through him,
The gardens of Eden, with kindness made calm,

٧. تاهت به بغداد إذ صارت به
جنّاتِ عدنِ بالمكارم خُفَّتِ

8. It was secured, by his birth, from the treachery of
The filthy, impure creed of the one of ill fortune,

٨. أمِنَت بمولده نكاية غادرِ
قذر العقيدة نجسها ذي نكبة

9. No surprise, for he belongs to the King -
The crown of kings - what a lineage!

٩. لا غرو في ذا إذا إلى المَلِك انتمى
تاج الملوك فيالها من نسبةِ

10. O month of his birth, you contained virtue
Of all months, for you contained the wished-for,

١٠. يا شهر مولده حَوَيتَ فضيلة
كل الشهور لما حويتَ تمنَّتِ

11. And you gathered, in this matter, unmatched glory,
Congratulations, in history, O proof!

١١. وجمعت في ذا الشأن عزّاً مفرداً
بشراك في التاريخ يا ذا الحِجَّةِ