1. Whenever I visit the grave of the noble Musa
I return with all that I hope for and aspire
١. متى ما زرت قبر الشهم موسى
رجعت بكل ما ترجو وتأمل
2. And how could it not be so, for he is from the House
With whom Quraysh took pride in gatherings
٢. وكيف وإنه من أهل بيت
بهم فخرت قريش في المحافل
3. He has a star above the heavens as his carpenter
And does the son of the Message have any equal?
٣. سما فوق السماء له نجار
وهل لابن الرسالة من مماثل
4. If you want to live happily, then look
To his love, and struggle for it
٤. إذا ما رزت أن تحيا سعيدا
فناظر في محبته وناضل