
With my poetry let the boastful come to me,

بمثل فخاري فليجئني المفاخر

1. With my poetry let the boastful come to me,
For through me the boastful have prided themselves over people,

١. بمثل فخاري فليجئني المُفاخر
فبي فَخَرَت دون الأنام المَفاخِرُ

2. And through me mysteries are unveiled and misfortunes averted,
And through me salvation comes to those who fear perdition.

٢. وبي تُكشَفُ الجلّى وبي يُدرأ الردى
ومني لمن خاف المهالك جائر

3. Through me my people gained blessings, and
No enemies could subjugate them or conquer their clans,

٣. وبي تجلب النعماء قومي ولم تطق
عليهم من الأعداء تعدو العشائر

4. Through me the living live and the hostile perish,
Through me the vile become a people and the small become great.

٤. بِيَ الحيُّ حيٌّ والأعادي هوالك
بيَ الوغد قومٌ والصغار أكابر

5. When I sense the lightning of injustice from any direction,
A horseman from me charges forth into the darkness,

٥. إذا شِمتُ برقَ الضيم من أي وجهة
غدا نحوه مني على الغور غائر

6. Against a miserable coward who exceeds proper bounds,
So that the hidden coward may be exposed.

٦. على ضامر شوهاء تعدو بضيغم
لرؤيته تبدي الخفيَّ الغمائر

7. For him is a reddish-white steed, a constant companion,
For him is the Indian sword, tied and bound,

٧. له السمهري اللون خدن ملازم
له الصارم الهندي حب مسامر

8. For him is fate a slave, and fortune a supporter,
For him is glory a home, and praise a neighbor.

٨. له الدهر عبدٌ والسعود مساعد
له المجد دارٌ والثناء مجاور

9. And I will not remain in the land of injustice, even if
The extent of my words, O boy, is that we should depart.

٩. ولست بدار الضيم أبقى وإن يكن
فمقدار قولي يا غلام نسافر

10. So why should I move away from the wicked, and not
Distance myself from deceitful people, and emigrate?

١٠. فما لي عن الأوباش لم أُمسِ قافلاً
وأبعد عن أهل الخنا وأُهاجر

11. Vile people estranged me, they were unjust,
And base monkeys denied my merits.

١١. جفاني أقوام لئام زعانف
وأنكر أفضالي قرود أزاعر

12. And no sincere friend remained for me, nor was
There anyone among them except Abdullah as my defender for truth.

١٢. ولم يبق لي خِلٌّ صديق وبم يكن
بهم غير عبد الله للحقّ ناصر

13. My right hand, when ambushes appear from the enemy,
Is my protector, who in times of adversity I unsheathe.

١٣. يميني إذا بان الكمين من العدى
حامي الذي عند الردى أنا شاهر

14. My advisor, when great tribulations occur,
My supporter, when fierce lions are few.

١٤. مشيري إذا جَلَّت خطوبٌ فوادح
معيني إذا قَلَّت ليوث نواصر

15. They are men whom no blame of a blamer seizes
Upon the truth, resolute in purpose, proceeding and commanding.

١٥. همام فلم تأخذه لومة لائم
على الحقّ ماضي العزم ناهٍ وآمر

16. He has a deterrent from his reason other than highness,
And he has no deterrent from the incoming genrosity.

١٦. له زاجر من عقله سوى العلى
وليس له عن وارد الجود زاجر

17. When delegations come seeking hospitality
In the evening at the thresholds while the sky is raining,

١٧. إذا الوفد جاؤوا يستميمون نائلاً
عشاءً على الأعتاب والجو ماطر

18. There Hatim is sufficient for some of his army
And the sea sees his generosity through the eye as abundant.

١٨. هنالك يكفي حاتم بعض حشده
ويُبصِر منه البحر بالعين زاخر

19. Valiant, when darkness intensifies and the clouds
Of turmoil thunder, he holds the reins.

١٩. شجاع إذا اسودَّ القتام وزمجرت
غيوم الوغى كانت لديه الزماجر

20. So he strikes with his spear again and again
And fells with his sword scattering blows.

٢٠. فيرصع رصعاً رمحه وهو ناظم
ويصرع صرعاً سيفه وهو ناثر

21. The horses then turn back from him as if fleeing,
Retreating backwards on their heels in disarray.

٢١. فترجع عنه الخيل كلمى شوارداً
نكوصاً على أعقابها تتدابر

22. For him is the hum of the bow singing joyfully
For him is the ringing of the sword in battles clamoring.

٢٢. لديه رنين القوس نغمة شادنٍ
لديه صليل السيف في الهام زامر

23. Noble in character, good in lineage, towering,
Distinguished in traits, the essence of pride is pure in him.

٢٣. كريم السجايا طيب النَّجر شامخ
شريف المزايا معدن الفخر طاهر

24. Eloquent, if he dictates a letter the scribe
Articulate, if he composes a poem the poet

٢٤. فصيحٌ إذا أملى كتاباً فكاتب
بليغ إذا أنشأ قريضاً فشاعر

25. Admits his precedence, whoever is first,
And the last envy him for his merit.

٢٥. يقر له بالسبق من هو أول
ويغبطه للفضل من هو آخر

26. When he recites verses, his words prompt
A saliva in the minds of rational people to stir.

٢٦. إذا أنشدَ الأبيات خلت بلفظه
سُلافاً لأرباب العقول تخامر

27. Learned, intuitive, it's as if he knows
What lurks in conscience when suspected.

٢٧. أديب اريب لوذعي كأنه
لدى الظنّ يدري ما تجنّ الضمائر

28. Brilliant, he clarifies every obscure matter,
When it crosses the mind and makes thoughts perplexed.

٢٨. ذكي له توضيح كل عويصة
إذا خَطَرت واستشكلتها الخواطر

29. Knowledge is his habit, dialectics his way,
And in all he knows of knowledge he is skilled.

٢٩. له العلم دأبٌ والمباحث ديدنلا
وفي كل ما يدري من العلم ماهر

30. As for those who built edifices on the winds
And settled in the place of eagles while the eagles fly,

٣٠. من اللائي قد شادوا البيوت على السها
وحلوا مكان النسر والنسر طائر

31. And for them the river of Majarra was a watering place,
With water coming and going from it,

٣١. وكان لهم نهر المَجرَّة مورداً
لهم وارد منهم عليه وصادر

32. It was the Bani Hashim, Amr who excelled his people,
The Quraish, with tyranny, so he is like a sea teeming,

٣٢. بنو هاشم عمرو الذي ساد قومه
قريشاً بجورٍ فهو كالبحر زاخر

33. Few when counted, but many during the encounter,
Mountains when firm, fierce lions wandering.

٣٣. قليل إذا عُّدوا كثيرون في اللقا
جبال إذا شَدَّوا ليوث زوائر

34. So O son of the generous, those who write their glory
On the pages of time, let them not boast,

٣٤. فيا ابن الكرام الكاتبين بمجدهم
على صفحات الدهر أن لا يفاخَروا

35. And O son of the exalted, their charm died when they passed away
While you in the wilderness spread it.

٣٥. ويا ابن الألى مات الندى بانتقالهم
وأنت له دون البرية ناشر

36. And O son of the exalted, they died but their beauty
For him forever alive throughout time remembers.

٣٦. ويا أبن الأُلى ماتوا ورام جميلهم
له أبداً حي مدى الدهر ذاكر

37. And O son of the exalted, as long as you live through their life
I will struggle in a passionate zeal for them and engage.

٣٧. ويا أبن الأُلى ما دمت حياً بحيهم
أناضل في وريّ لهم وأناظر

38. You are excused, I have a heart escorting
And the worries have erased my secret thoughts,

٣٨. لك العذر إني ذو فؤاد مشيّع
وقد درست للهمِّ مني السرائر

39. For if I had bitterness like other people, I would have perished,
But above my worries are those who console.

٣٩. فلو كان لي مثل الأنام مرارة
هلكتُ ولكن دون هميّ مرائر

40. And my survival is prone to misfortunes
That come one after another, with the first heralding the next.

٤٠. وإن بقائي للمصائب عرضة
تباكر في منها خطوب بواكر

41. It is as if the hands of troubles drink me down
A slain man on whom the breakers have prayed.

٤١. كأني وايدي النائبات تنوشني
صريع وعى صلَّت عليه الكواسر

42. At times to preserve himself he lifts his leg
To fend them off, and at times they converge.

٤٢. فطوراً لحفظ الروح يرفع رجله
ليدفعها عنه وطَوراً تكاشر

43. So cutting swords reach him in sudden blows
And he reaches them with movement and resistance.

٤٣. فيدركه منها حداة برائن
ويدركها منه حراكٌ وزاجر

44. How can I then, in this state, compose
Splitting poetry verses when I'm able?

٤٤. فكيف ومن ذا الحالُ أصبح حاله
على نظم شعرٍ مفلق وهو قادر

45. But my loyalty and love for you all
Have made me forget what is with me, and life is fleeting,

٤٥. ولكن ولائي حثني ومحبتي
لكم وادّكاري العيش والعيش غابر

46. So I forgot what was within me, and my mind gushed forth
With this, while before my thought was immersed.

٤٦. فأُنسيتُ ما عندي فبضَّت قريحتي
بهذا وقبلاً ماء فكري غائر

47. I still deserve favors and yearn to chant,
With my poetry let the boastful come to me.

٤٧. فلا زلتُ أهلاً للجميل ومنشداً
بمثل فخاري فليجئني المُفاخر