1. Muhammad is the best of Adam's children
Rather, he is the elite of the Most Merciful among His creations
١. محمد خير بني آدمٍ
بل خيرة الرحمن من خلقِهِ
2. The beloved of the Lord of the Throne, which man
Surrenders to him and is safe from destruction
٢. حبيب ربّ العرش أي امرئٍ
له التجا يسلم من محقه
3. Muhammad the guide, who in his name
Adam was dressed from above
٣. محمد الهادي الذي باسمه
تيبَ على آدم من فوقه
4. He called and our eyes did not see him
And we were not hearing his speech
٤. دعا ولم تبصره أعياننا
ولم نكن نسمع من نطقه
5. He called to the truth, so good news
When we answered him to his right
٥. دعا إلى الحق فيا بشرنا
حيث أجبناه إلى حقّه
6. Who is like us on the Day of Resurrection and Al-Mustafa (Muhammad)
Among us and all people are in his mercy
٦. مَن مثلنا في الحشر والمصطفى
فينا وكل الناس في ريقه
7. The intercessor for us and all creatures
In separating them, they listen to his speech
٧. مشَفَّعُ فينا وكل الورى
في فصلها تصغي إلى نطقه
8. Whoever believes in the world as his lover
Then Paradise is his right
٨. من دان في الدنيا محباً له
فإنما الجنة من حقه
9. We are gentle with his security
Rather, the whole world is within his mercy
٩. حنا على أمنه مرفقاً
بل كل ذا العالم من رفقه