
Good tidings, for victory has come to us,

بشرى فإن النصر وافانا

1. Good tidings, for victory has come to us,
And the star of victory has adorned us.

١. بشرى فإن النصر وافانا
وكوكب النصر لقد زانا

2. Good fortune has risen in an auspicious ascendant,
Above the heavens of glory it has enriched us.

٢. وأقبل الإقبال في طالعٍ
فوق سموت العزّ مزادنا

3. The sphere of glory now revolves,
With the stars of pride as it once was.

٣. وفَلَكُ المجد غدا دائراً
بأنجم الفخر كما كانا

4. And victory, its star now shines,
Adorned by good fortune it is bejeweled.

٤. والنصر أمسى نجمه زاهراً
زيَّنَه الإقبال فازدانا

5. The Sublime King, his value now,
Above the Pleiades a star of Kaiwan.

٥. والملِكُ السامي غدا قَدرُه
فوق السُّها ناجَمَ كيوانا

6. Pride of the world, dawn of guidance, shining light,
By it the family of Othman is illuminated.

٦. فخر الورى فجر الهدى نيّرٌ
به استضاءت آل عثمانا

7. The darkness of the people of tyranny vanished by it,
It is none other than the sun of our world.

٧. ظُلمَةُ أهل الجور زالت به
ما هو إلاّ شمس دنيانا

8. Crown of kings, the hunt, of lofty ambition,
Nobler than mounts Tha’laban.

٨. تاج الملوك الصِّيد ذو هِمَّة
علياء تستصغر ثهلانا

9. Master of munificence, my patron of wealth that,
Exhausts the pen to count.

٩. مَولى النّدى مولي من المال ما
يعجز عنه الخَطُّ حسبانا

10. Of comfort more verdant than the sea, when
For pilgrims it sprouted Ukian trees.

١٠. ذو راحة أندى من البحر إذ
قد أنبتَت للوفد عُقيانا

11. He veils the newcomer, longing to grant favour,
Even if it be the dearest souls.

١١. يَستَرُّ بالجائي يروم العطا
منه ولو أنفس ما كانا

12. So the pilgrims’ Kaaba became his house,
Where for praise he erected the pillars.

١٢. فكعبةَ الوفد غدت دارُه
حيث بنى للحمد أركانا

13. For those arriving, generosity from his palm,
More copious than Jayhoon and Jayhan rivers.

١٣. للواردين الجود من كِفّه
أسال جيحونا وجيحانا

14. Pillar of the noble folk, pillar of the exalted,
Best of people in doing good.

١٤. عماد أهل العزّ ركن العُلى
أحسنُ أهل الجود إحسانا

15. The valiant warrior in times of meeting,
And in battle he remains a piercing spear.

١٥. البطل المغوار وقت اللّقا
وفي الوغى لا زال طّعانا

16. To every tyrant, awe, he did not cower,
And every despot to him has submitted.

١٦. لكلّ قَرم هيبةً لم يَدِن
وكلُّ جبّار له دانا

17. Imagining he dispersed the enemies,
As though he were Solomon’s flock of jinn.

١٧. تَوَهُّماً تفرق منه العِدى
إن قيلَ ذا سِربُ سليمانا

18. He did not cease, since he reddened his swords,
And the blades tasted flesh.

١٨. ما أنفكّ مذ غَرَّبَ أسيافه
وَطَّنها الهامات إيطانا

19. Do you not see the warriors in the battle of
The Confederates, how many horsemen they felled?

١٩. أما ترى المغوار في وقعة ال
أحزاب كم جندل فرسانا

20. When Basra the radiant was stricken with drought,
And valorous ones were rulers there.

٢٠. إذ بصرة الفيحاء قد أجدبت
وكان فيها الشهم سلطانا

21. He wanted to move his armies,
From it to the borders of Baghdad.

٢١. فرام أن يُخِرجَ أجنادَه
منها إلى أكناف بُغدانا

22. So drought may alleviate from it, and so
Inhabitants may enjoy his kindness.

٢٢. لكي يَخِفَّ الجدبُ عنها وكي
يشمل منه اللطف سُكّانا

23. He marched with the army from its territory,
Making Hilla their place of abode.

٢٣. فسار بالجَحفل عن قُطرها
مُتَّخِذَ الحِلَّةِ أوطانا

24. Wherever he camped in its environs,
Above the villages it gained prominence.

٢٤. وحيثما خَيَّم في دَوِّها
قد حَصَّلت دون القُرى شانا

25. The people felt safe with his increase,
When secured from injustice and transgression.

٢٥. واستَرَّ أهلوها بمن زادهم
إذ أمِنُوا ظلماً وعدوانا

26. But in Baghdad, when this spread,
The corrupt gained sorrow.

٢٦. لكن في بغداد مذ شاع ذا
حازت أهالي البغي أحزانا

27. They gathered around a king of theirs,
And committed betrayal and disbelief.

٢٧. فاجتمعوا عند مليكٍ لهم
وارتكبوا غدراً وكفرانا

28. From all quarters, hardhearted, stripped
Of the garb of justice, naked.

٢٨. من كل جواظ عريض القفا
عن حلية الإنصاف عريانا

29. His mind still ravenous,
From massive feasting, satiated.

٢٩. لما يزل من عقله جائعاً
ومن عظيم النُوك شبعانا

30. They rushed like desert donkeys in their recklessness,
And chaos permeated the gathering at times.

٣٠. حاصوا كحمر الوحش من حينهم
وأضطرب المجلس أحيانا

31. They agreed the king of the world,
Has rebelled against the state in disobedience.

٣١. وأجمعوا أن مليك الورى
حاد عن الدولة عصيانا

32. And he has inclined towards betraying us,
And he came to gyp us.

٣٢. وأنه مال إلى غدرنا
وأنه جاء لينكانا

33. So at that, their Mufti resolved,
To battle him in ignorance and humiliation.

٣٣. فعند ذا قرر مُفتيهم
بحربه جهلاً وخُذلانا

34. He prepared the army of injustice against them,
Assembling Persians and Arabs.

٣٤. جهَّز جيش الظلم واليهم
مجمعاً عجماً وعُربانا

35. And they attempted to reach,
The Mard of the age, Solomon.

٣٥. وحاولوا أن يبلغوا مأرباً
من فارس العصر سليمانا

36. But they failed when they witnessed,
His expertise in war’s mill.

٣٦. لكنهم خابوا لما شاهدوا
منه رحاة الحرب طحانا

37. For he stood like an unassailable fortress,
His cubs the horsemen surrounding him.

٣٧. إذ قام كالقسور من غيله
تحفه الأشبال فرسانا

38. He unsheathed the white from his eyelid,
And held the dark brown spear.

٣٨. وجرد الأبيض من جفنه
وأعتقل الأسمر طعانا

39. He stormed into battle like a lion, if
He met a pack of hyenas.

٣٩. واقتحم الحرب كليثٍ إذا
صادف بعض الصيد غرثانا

40. The battle raged until the sky,
Became like the darkness of smoke for him.

٤٠. أحمى وطيس الحرب حتى غدا
له قتام الجو دخانا

41. He did not stop felling their champions,
Heroes and equals with his Indian blade.

٤١. ولم يزل يردي بهنديه ال
أبطال أمثالاً وأقرانا

42. Until when he met a troop of theirs,
They retreated saying he is a Jinn.

٤٢. حتى إذا قابل جمعاً لهم
ولوا وقالوا أنه جانا

43. He scattered them by the hands of captors in retreat,
Having seen an eagle and traveler birds.

٤٣. فرقهم ايدي سبا في الفلا
وقد قرى نسراً وسرحانا

44. Woe to them, twenty thousand to them,
While the warriors’ army two thousand.

٤٤. تباً لهم عشرون ألفاً لهم
وعسكر المغوار ألفانا

45. So how did some of them flee in escape,
While others wrapped in shrouds?

٤٥. فكيف ولّى بعضهم هارباً
وبعضهم صاحب أكفانا

46. Congratulations O valor, this then is a blessing,
Above the world those masters of ours.

٤٦. بشراك يا شهم فذي نعمة
دون الورى أولاك مولانا

47. For victory singled you out above the world,
And destiny adorned your times.

٤٧. فالنصر قد خصك دون الورى
وحفك الإقبال أزمانا

48. You gained victory by might, and in the battle of
The Confederates, so pride yourself in what was.

٤٨. نصرت بالرعب وذي وقعة ال
أحزاب فافخر بالذي كانا

49. Where you have the Chosen as an example,
A praiseworthy one you gained glory by.

٤٩. حيث لكم بالمصطفى أسوة
حميدة نلت بها شانا

50. Since Al-Khumar got news of it,
He gave you Baghdad in compassion.

٥٠. مذ بلغ الخنكار أخباره
ولاه للرأفة بغدانا

51. When he saw you valiant, experienced,
Felling the enemies, horsemen and Arabs.

٥١. حيث رآه باسلا فاتكا
يردي العدى فرسا وعربانا

52. This aid, a rescuer, the scream of a brother
Of generosity, Hasan and Hussein.

٥٢. ذا نجدة غوث صريخ أخا ال
جودة حسانا وحسانا

53. After hardship he attained the sweet sublime,
And enjoyed rest fatigued.

٥٣. بعد العنا نال لذيذ العلى
واغتنم الراحة تعبانا

54. As sleep is savored after fatigue,
So the wakeful one closed his eyelids.

٥٤. كما استلذ النوم بعد الكرى
فغمض الساهر أجفانا

55. Thanks to You O Lord, hardship passed
By him and what had caused anguish.

٥٥. حمدا لك اللهم زال العنا
به وما قد كان أشقانا

56. And Baghdad rejoiced when he entered it,
So it prided over cities and towns.

٥٦. واستبشرت بغداد إذ حلها
ففاخرت مدنا وبلدانا

57. It only attained joy after you,
Branches do not please without you.

٥٧. ما هي إلا بهجة يتمت
بعدك لا تروق أغصانا

58. Its strength weakened during this intent,
Until it came with illness as proof.

٥٨. أضنى قواها طول هذا النوى
حتى أتت بالسقم برهانا

59. By your absence the minaret of guidance,
Was hidden so does not obey elucidation.

٥٩. بظعنكم عنها منار الهدى
أخفي فلا يطيع تبيانا

60. And since you have now entered its expanse,
The lights appeared openly.

٦٠. ومذ حللت الآن في رحبها
بدت بها الأنوار إعلانا

61. May God not make desolate its meadows,
Without you or its inhabitants.

٦١. لا أوحش اللَه ربوعا بها
منك ولا أوحش سكانا

62. Do not depart seeking glory,
And for praise and eulogy it is home.

٦٢. لا برحت لمجدكم منزلا
وللثنا والحمد أوطانا

63. My patron, they have submitted fearful morning,
In trepidation and all to you have surrendered.

٦٣. مولاي أعداك غدوا خضعا
خوفا وكل لك قد دانا

64. Grant that they did evil, so treat them well,
For God’s sake they are that generosity.

٦٤. هب أنهم ساؤوا فأحسن بهم
للّه إذ أولاك إحسانا

65. You determined, and pardon is the want of the hopeful,
For it is of the traits of our patron.

٦٥. قَدَرتَ والعفو هوا لمرتجى
إذ هو من شيمة مولانا

66. And overlook their hatred with the edge of forbearance,
And grant them pardon and forgiveness.

٦٦. واغضض بطرف الحلم عن غيِّهم
وامنحهم عفواً وغفرانا

67. For praise to God they have become exemplary,
Sufficed by humiliation and loss.

٦٧. فالحمد لله غدوا مُثلَةً
كفاهم ذلاً وخسرانا

68. You have not ceased being for us a just ruler,
And you remain compassionate to the disobedient.

٦٨. لا زلت فينا حاكماً عادلاً
ودمتَ للعاصين حنَّانا

69. Good tidings to us the Zuwairas, when
Our mighty victorious one has come to us.

٦٩. بشرى لنا آل الزويراء إذ
عزيزنا الناصرُ وافانا

70. After hardship with others, God made us happy through him,
When the rule of rogues vanished by him.

٧٠. أسعدنا اللَه به بعدما
بغيره قد كان أشقانا

71. And the sign of fortune dated,
The kingdom, Solomon it has become.

٧١. ودولة الأوباش زالت به
مذ حَلَّ صدر الدَّست سلطانا

٧٢. وآية الإقبال قد أرَّخَت
الملك أضحى لسليمانا