
You deserve all praise from mankind, for you are always victorious.

لك البشر حمدا فالورى لك تشكر

1. You deserve all praise from mankind, for you are always victorious.
With your might and awe you are forever triumphant.

١. لك البشر حمداً فالورى لك تَشكُرُ
ولا زِلتَ بالإقبال والرعب تُنصَرُ

2. Your army, whose heart you are, never ceases
To defeat enemies, subdue and shatter them.

٢. ولا برح الجيش الذي أنت قلبُه
يكرُّ على الأعداء قهراً ويكسرُ

3. How proud are the kings you have vanquished,
A feat unmatched today or any day.

٣. فكم مفخرٍ فُقتَ الملوك به ولم
يكن مثل هذا المفخر اليوم مفخرُ

4. You have reached the height of greatness with determination
To level mountains or rebuild them if you wish.

٤. رقيتَ إلى أوج المعالي بهِمَّةٍ
تَهُدُّ بها رضوى وإن شئتَ تعمرُ

5. Khosrow's soul breaks remembering you,
While Caesar cannot fathom your grandeur.

٥. ويكسر كسرى نفسه عند ذكرها
ويقصر عن إدراك شأوك قيصرُ

6. Who can tell the Emperor that his minister,
His stalwart support, is the victorious one.

٦. فمن يبلغُ الخُنكار أن وزيره
ظهيرٌ له فيما يروم مُظَفَّرُ

7. Through him the land of Zawra is safe
Else it would still be mired in woe.

٧. به حوزة الزوراء تم أمانها
ولولاه كانت لا تزال تُكدَّرُ

8. Each minister is lesser in virtues than he
And all nobles seem small before his loftiness.

٨. فكلُّ وزير في المكارم دونه
وكل كبيرٍ عند علياه يَصغُرُ

9. He has praiseworthy traits, as though they are
Stars blossoming in the constellation of virtues.

٩. له شيم محمودة فكأنها
كواكب في برج المكارم تَزهَرُ

10. Generous, no avarice dims his humanity,
Nor is rest sought after giving.

١٠. كريمٌ فلا برق الأماني بخُلَّبٍ
لديه ولا مُستريح الرِّفدِ يُذكر

11. If he draws sword, Rustum is recalled.
If he attacks, Antara is remembered.

١١. كميٌّ إذا ما صالَ يذكرُ رستمٌ
به إذا ما جالَ يذكر عنترُ

12. You see him composing poetry in peace,
And in war, distributing blows.

١٢. ويسطو فتلقاه لدى الكَرِّ ناظماً
عِداه وفي التجوال تلقاه ينثر

13. The Indian turns green next to his white complexion
And his steps make the red blush.

١٣. فيخضر هندي له وهو أبيض
ويحمر خطى له وهو أسمر

14. He drowns in the dark sea fighting gallantly,
How wondrous that oceans drown in his valor.

١٤. ويغرق في بحر القتام مجالداً
فواعجباً في الكرِّ تغرق أبحرُ

15. He finds comfort in peace, a heaven for the despondent,
And in war, a hellfire burning enemies.

١٥. له راحةٌ في السِّلم جنَّةُ مُعدَمٍ
وفي الحرب نارٌ للعدو تَسَعَّرُ

16. The people of Māʾ al-Samā defied him
Deeming themselves victorious through deceit.

١٦. عصوه بنو ماء السماء وخَيَّلوا
بأنفسهم نصراً عليه وزوَّروا

17. Led by Osman, believing he would undoubtedly win
With his sound strategy, or so he thought.

١٧. وقادهم عثمان ظناً بأنه
برأي سليم لا محالة يُنصَرُ

18. With a massive army that filled the horizon
Immeasurable in numbers, they came on Thursday.

١٨. وسار بهم جيشاً يضيق به الفضا
خميساً عظيماً لا يُعد ويُحصرُ

19. Seeking to conquer Dar al-Salam, certain that
They would defeat our minister and overwhelm him.

١٩. ورامَ بهم دار السلام وأنه
يقاتل مولانا الوزير ويقهرُ

20. Turning against the Muslim state rebelliously,
Obeying only his desires, prohibiting and commanding.

٢٠. وعن دولة الإسلام قد حاد عاصياً
مطيعاً هواه فهو ينهى ويأمرُ

21. Emboldened by vile riffraff, his troops so weak,
Unaware of his disgrace and defeat.

٢١. وعزَّ بأوباش اللئام وجنده
وقد ذَلَّ إلا أنّه ليس يشعر

22. Betraying the trusted minister, denying his rights
Dishonored, though who upholds piety thrives.

٢٢. وخان أمين الدين كفراً لحقِّهِ
وهان وهل من مثله الصِّدقُ يؤثرُ

23. Splitting his staff when he rebelled, but Selim
With feeble supporters marched against us audaciously.

٢٣. وشَقَّ العصا لما عصى فسليمه
عليل الحِجى يغزو النواحي وياسر

24. Upon hearing of his betrayal and deceit
The Mughals pounced on him like birds of prey.

٢٤. ومذ بلغ المغوار اخبار غدره
نحاه كما ينحو الفريسة قَسوَر

25. Rushing from their lair, ferociously roaring,
With their cubs, resolute and formidable.

٢٥. وقام إليه مسرعاً من عرينه
بأشباله والعزم يحدو ويزجر

26. With the flags of victory, optimism leading them
As soldiers lined up with joyful spirits exalting.

٢٦. وسار ورايات القبول تؤمّه
لديها من الأملاك قد صُفَّ عسكر

27. The lions from their den thrive in battle,
As the elite troops held back timidly.

٢٧. بجيش قَبولُ النصر صار مُهللاً
لديه وأرواح السرور تُكَبِّرُ

28. The clash of swords is lively music to them
And the red wine of enemy blood intoxicates in war.

٢٨. وأسد عرين في الوغى قد تعودت
صيالاً إذ جل الكماة تأخروا

29. Hence you see them revel in the fray
Each puffed up and dignified in the arena.

٢٩. لديهم صليل السيف نغمة شادنٍ
وخمر دِما الأعداء في الحرب مُسكِرُ

30. Their sharp intact and broken blades guard
The bodies of their slain enemies.

٣٠. لذاك تراهم يطربون لدى الوغى
فكلٌ يُرى في رحبها يتبخترُ

31. He led them as an army whose length
Swept away the people of Māʾ al-Samā, devastating them.

٣١. ويحمي من السرحان شلو قتيلهم
نصالٌ صحيحٌ مارقٌ ومكسّرُ

32. The Kurds fled before their arrival, for who can stand
At the basin of death and prevail?

٣٢. فقادهم جيشاً تسيل بمدِّه
بطاح بني ماء السماء وتَجزر

33. Selim escaped, no fortress could protect him,
Terrified and panicking as he fled.

٣٣. تفرقت الأكراد قبل وصولهم
ومن ذا على حوض المهالك يَقدِر

34. To the barren desert, fearing for his life
Lest a specter shattered his heart.

٣٤. فولى سليم هارباً لا تلمُّه
حصونٌ حصيناتٌ له وهو يذعر

35. May he perish, the traitor lost in deceit
And be crushed, the schemer wherever he schemes.

٣٥. إلى الجاف خافٍ نفسه خيفة وان
يراكم بطيفٍ قلبه يتفطر

36. He could not stay in his own land
So he escaped hurriedly, stumbling as he fled.

٣٦. فبُعداً له من غادر في غواية
وسحقاً له من ماكرٍ حيث يمكرُ

37. A patrol caught up with him to inflict punishment
Fearing they would die if they met him, terrified.

٣٧. وأصبح لا يسطيع مكثاً بأرضه
فولى فراراً وهو يعدو ويعثر

38. He battled them fiercely with his supporters
As if fighting for his last breaths before burial.

٣٨. وقد أدركته في الجلاد سريةٌ
تهاب المنايا من لِقاها وتذعر

39. When he saw the fighting only increased their injuries
And his troops had retreated and deserted,

٣٩. فجالَدَهم بالتابعين له كما
يجالد عن أنفاسه من سَيُقبَرُ

40. He resorted to a siege, relying on his fort,
Thus besieged, he who had intended to besiege.

٤٠. فلما رأى أن الجلاد يزيدهم
ضِراماً وألفى جنده قد تقهقروا

41. He was captured, swords gleaming above him,
A prisoner as the jaws of death grinned.

٤١. تولّى حصاراً مستعيناً بحصنه
فأصبح محصوراً وقد رام يحصر

42. He met his fate when his head was severed
By a sword that showed him death when unsheathed.

٤٢. فجيء به والسيف يلمع فوقه
أسيراً وأنيابُ المنيّة تكشر

43. Likewise Jawza in Irbil, laying siege
Seeking safety therein, cautious.

٤٣. فلاقى نِكالاً حيث طيَّرَ رأسه
حسامٌ يريه الموت ساعة يُشهَرُ

44. Trusting his sturdy impenetrable fortress
Would save him from doom and protect his army.

٤٤. كذلك قوجٌ حيث حل بإربل
ورام حصاراً فيه ينجو ويحذر

45. But it availed him not, for his sturdy bastion
Stood upon smooth rock, unscalable.

٤٥. وقد ظنَّ ينجيه من الحتف معقلٌ
حصين ويحميه من الفَتكِ عسكر

46. Reaching higher than the stars in might and loftiness
Towering over Vega defiantly boasting.

٤٦. فلم يُجده نفعاً له كونُ حصينه
على قُنَّةٍ ملساء لا تُتَسَوَّرُ

47. They surrounded him as flames engulfed it
Besieging for a time before finally scaling it.

٤٧. تُناجِم أعلى النجم سمكاً ورفعةً
وتزهو على الشِّعرى العبورِ وتفخرُ

48. The chief of villains was shackled
And made to pay for his sedition and betrayal.

٤٨. فحفوا به والشهب منه تزايدت
وحاصوا عليه ساعةً فَتَسَوَّروا

49. The festival of breakthrough dawned, for
The source of strife was sacrificed and slaughtered.

٤٩. وصار رئيس المفسدين مجندلاً
وجوزي عما كان يعثو ويغدر

50. Good tidings, for victory has come heralded
By a conquest declaring "God is Greatest!”

٥٠. وأصبح عيد الفطر أضحى لأنه
تُضحّى به شوس الفساد وتُنحَر