1. Patience has become my worn out shield
Since she occupied my mind
١. الصبر أصبح درعه بالي
مذ أشغلت بجمالها بالي
2. So I remained longing, o brother
Without asking to meet my beloved
٢. فأبيت مشتاقاً أخا وله
ما عن لقا معشوقه سالي
3. And I have concealed my passion from others
To avoid the arrows of gossip
٣. ولقد كتمت عن الورى كلفي
دفعا لسهم القيل والقالي
4. O gazelle, since you came and gave
Evil has befallen me like a vicious wolf
٤. يا ظبية مذ أقبلت تعطو
صارت عليَّ كشر رئبال
5. And since you fascinated me, adorned
The Lord of Beauty made you a governor over me
٥. وعليّ مذهلت مزينة
رب الجمال أقامها والي
6. So I loved you while my heart was victorious
By your beauty, ignoring others
٦. فعشقتها والقلب منتصر
لجمالها مستجهل الخالي
7. And I thought you would support me
But instead you became to me a new moon
٧. وحسبتها تمسي مناصرتي
فغدت عليّ بدلها لالي
8. How many nights have I spent depressed
With my life ruined by your indifference
٨. كم ليلة قد بت مكتئباً
لنفيس عمري بالجفا قالي
9. I wish in love you were kind
And would listen to my painful lament
٩. يا ليتها في الحب صاغية
لتوّجعي إصغاء عذالي
10. Stop this war you started
I swear by your cheek and your mole
١٠. كفي عن الحرب التي نشبت
قسما بورد الخد والخالي
11. Return to me the eye that murdered me
With a sword that cut up my limbs
١١. ردي إلي العين التي فتكت
سيفا به قطعت أوصالي
12. And trust that I am passionate about you
And passion is the death I draw from you
١٢. وثقي بأني قد وردت هوى
ورد المنية منه أهنالي
13. Because you're miserly with union
My love for you has become a miserable state
١٣. من أجل بخلك بالوصال لقد
ساءت وحق هواك أحوالي
14. So have mercy and be gentle with a young man
Who would have led people had he been without passion
١٤. فتعطفي وترفقي بفتى
ساد الأنام لو أنه خالي