
My Master, I have strayed from what is right

مولاي زغت عن الصواب

1. My Master, I have strayed from what is right
And my beautiful thoughts about myself have failed

١. مولاي زغت عن الصواب
وجميل ظني فيَّ خاب

2. The matter is Your matter, and the soul
Is naturally inclined to go astray

٢. والأمر أمرك والنفو
س الى الضلال لها انجذاب

3. We have pledged ourselves to You, yet we have violated
The covenant a thousand times over

٣. تبنا اليك ولقد نقض
نا ألف مرةٍ المتاب

4. Patience is Your way, and the generous one
Is generous even with the shackled

٤. والحلم شأنك والكريم
يجود حتى في الرقاب

5. If I were asked about my sins, I would have no answer
For the soul, the devil, and desires are to blame

٥. واذا سألت عن الذنو
ب غدا فلن تجد الجواب

6. My soul carried me, weak as it is,
Like the buzzing of insects

٦. فالنفس والشيطان
والأهواء أمرهم المجاب

7. It threw away perfection, hoping
To attain it from a mirage

٧. حملتني نفساً لها
من ضعفها حزم الذباب

8. It is like a moth that flings itself
Toward the lamp, to its torment

٨. رمت الكمال لها فرا
حت ترتجيه من السراب

9. Oh what a wretched soul I have
That the Holy Book could not protect me from

٩. هي كالفراشة ترتمي
حول السراج على العذاب

10. It is a loss, and Your right, to entrust
My affair to the worst of companions

١٠. يا بئست النفس التي
لم يحمني منها الكتاب

11. If the shame melted away, this heart
Would melt from the shame

١١. غبن وحقك أن تكل
أمري الى شر الصحاب

12. My soul has become desolate ruins
Where the raven of sorrow hovers

١٢. لو ذاب من خجل فؤا
د كان هذا القلب ذاب

13. Take me by the hand to Yourself and rebuild
A world within me that is in ruins

١٣. قد أقفرت نفس على
أطلالها نعب الغراب

14. Forgive me, for I am not one who knocks
On Your door without need, oh doorkeeper!

١٤. خذ باليدين اليك واعمر
عالما فيها خراب

15. It is enough for me, the sincerity of my apology,
A teardrop flowing down in humility

١٥. واصفح فلست بطارق
من دون بابك أي باب

16. I have repented in fear of You
Like I repented the days of youth

١٦. حسبي على صدق اعتذا
ري دمع عين في انسكاب

17. So spare me punishment, I cannot withstand it
My Master, and do not punish me

١٧. قد تاب خوفاً منك من
قد تاب أيام الشباب

18. And if You are harsh with the dog
You would show mercy to the dogs

١٨. فدع العقاب فلست يا
مولاي احتمل العقاب