1. Prepare yourself like one prepared for battle
For the matter has gone beyond compromise
١. تَأَهَّب مِثلَ أُهبَةِ ذي كِفاحِ
فَإِنَّ الأَمرَ جَلَّ عَنِ التَلاحي
2. And I have already waged war against you
That torments the old man with bitter water
٢. وَإِنّي قَد جَنَيتُ عَلَيكَ حَرباً
تُغِصُّ الشَيخَ بِالماءِ القَراحِ
3. A reminder, whenever it is corrected
I add another, not peaceful
٣. مُذَكَّرَةٌ مَتى ما تَصحُ مِنها
تَشُبُّ لَها بِأُخرى غَيرَ صاحِ
4. Its fire rages with embers and has come
When it subsides, like the fires of eloquence
٤. تُسَعَّرُ نارُها وَهَجاً وَجاءَت
غِذا خَمَدَت كَنيرانِ الفِصاحِ
5. And there is no end to a mourning woman who consoles
What she laments and declares with weeping
٥. وَما تَنفَكُّ نائِحَةٌ تُعَزّي
بِما نَدَبَت وَتُعلِنُ بِالنُواحِ
6. Taghlib exceeded oppression against us
Without crime to be counted or sin
٦. تَعَدَّت تَغلِبٌ ظُلماً عَلَينا
بِلا جُرمٍ يُعَدُّ وَلا جُناحِ
7. Except a dog that howled in an empty belly
To prevent the sanctity of the permitted belly
٧. سِوى كَلبٍ عَوى في بَطنِ قاعٍ
لِيَمنَعَ حِميَةَ القاعِ المُباحِ
8. So when we saw and realized
The punishment of tyranny lifting its wing
٨. فَلَمّا أَن رَأَينا وَاِستَبَنّا
عُقابَ البَغيِ رافِعَةَ الجَناحِ
9. I diverted misfortune to him on an ill-omened day
For him a cup of accessible death
٩. صَرَفتُ إِلَيهِ نَحساً يَومَ سوءٍ
لَهُ كَأَسٌ مِنَ المَوتِ المُتاحِ
10. The petty tyrannies of aggression form a people
And invite others to righteousness
١٠. تُشَكِّلُ دانِياتُ البَغيِ قَوماً
وَتَدعو آخَرينَ إِلى الصَلاحِ
11. Leave me be, I am confused and the time has come for me
To hurl horses, meeting spears
١١. ذَريني قَد طَرِبتُ وَحانَ مِنّي
طِرادُ الخَيلِ عارِضَةَ الرِماحِ
12. And I have no ambition I hope for my brother
Except the sinful and the impudent steed
١٢. وَما لي هِمَّةٌ أَرجو أَخاها
سِوى الخَطِّيِّ وَالفَرَسِ الوَقاحِ