1. We did not start the tribe with the same wrongdoing
From what had happened in the past
١. إِنّا عَلى ما كانَ مِن حادِثٍ
لَم نَبدَإِ القَومَ بِذاتِ العُقوق
2. Our spears had tried
Stabbing when they opposed and intense grief
٢. قَد جَرَّبَت تَعلِبُ أَرماحِنا
بِالطَعنِ إِذ جاروا وَحَزِّ الحُلوق
3. That did not prevent them from their oppression
One day and they did not recognize rights
٣. لَم يَنهَهُم ذَلِكَ عَن بَغيِهِم
يَوماً وَلَم يَعتَرِفوا بِالحُقوق
4. And they ignited the wars, their beasts
For the injustice in us visible and the immorality
٤. وَأَسعَروا لِلحَربِ ثيرانَها
لِلظُلمِ فينا بادِياً وَالفُسوق
5. Isn’t it who attacked everyone
Without any attack from you with the capable
٥. أَلَيسَ مَن أَردى كُلَيباً لِمَن
دونِ كُلَيبٍ مِنكُمُ بِالمُطيق
6. Who legislated the transgression in crucial times
Committed injustice and tight distress
٦. مَن شَرَعَ العُدوانَ في وائِلٍ
اِقتَرَفَ الظُلمَ وَضَنكَ المَضيق
7. You started with the injustice in your people
And you were like the burning enemy
٧. بَدَأتُمُ بِالظُلمِ في قَومِكُمُ
وَكُنتُم مِثلَ العَدُوِّ الحَنيق
8. And injustice is a basin, not watered
Of ability in every manageable matter
٨. وَالظُلمُ حَوضٌ لَيسَ يُسقى بِهِ
ذو مَنعَةٍ في كُلِّ أَمرٍ يُطيق
9. So if you refuse, then embark on it
With what is in it from temptation, that of lightning
٩. فَإِن أَبَيتُم فَاِركَبوها بِما
فيها مِنَ الفِتنَةِ ذاتِ البُروق