
I swear by the Lord of the vainglorious poet

إني ورب الشاعر الغرور

1. I swear by the Lord of the vainglorious poet
And the Resurrector of the dead from the graves

١. إِنّي وَرَبِّ الشاعِرِ الغَرورِ
وَباعِثِ المَوتى مِنَ القُبورِ

2. And the Knower of the hidden in the conscience
If you attack it, hitting the solid rocks

٢. وَعالِمِ المَكنونِ في الضَميرِ
إِن رُمتَ مِنها مَعقَرَ الجَزورِ

3. I will pounce with the leap of the warrior
The wolf or the hissing serpent

٣. لَأَثِبَنَّ وِثبَةَ المُغيرِ
الذيبِ أَو ذي اللِبدَةِ الهَصورِ

4. With a sharp sword of renowned artistry

٤. بِصارِمٍ ذي فَنَنٍ مَشهورِ