
You say you see a man whose family has perished

تقول أراه واحدا طاح أهله

1. You say you see a man whose family has perished
He hopes for distant heirs

١. تَقولُ أَراهُ واحِداً طاحَ أَهلُهُ
يُؤَمِّلُهُ في الوارِثينَ الأَباعِدُ

2. As if you show me
The remains of a ruined house inhabited by hyenas

٢. فَإِنّي عَسى أَن تُبصِريني كَأَنَّما
بُنَيَّ حَوالَيَّ الأُسودُ اللَوابِدُ

3. For Tammim before the stones were born
Lived an age as the only one among men

٣. فَإِنَّ تَميماً قَبلَ أَن تَلِدَ الحَصى
أَقامَ زَماناً وَهوَ في الناسِ واحِدُ