
Our successors are from us, as is the Prophet Muhammad

منا الخلائف والنبي محمد

1. Our successors are from us, as is the Prophet Muhammad,
And to them belongs the possession of all worshippers.

١. مِنّا الخَلائِفُ وَالنَبِيُّ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَإِلَيهِمُ مُلكُ العِبادِ يَصيرُ

2. Our living are the best of all creation,
And our graves are above all other graves.

٢. أَحياؤُنا خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ كُلِّها
وَقُبورُنا ما فَوقَهُنَّ قُبورُ

3. When I raise the banner of Khindif it humbles
All other eyes, so theirs are lowered.

٣. وَإِذا رَفَعتُ لِواءَ خِندِفَ قَصَّرَت
عَنهُ العُيونُ فَطَرفُها مَقصورُ

4. The sons of Khindif, if you trace their lineage you find
They are the family of the Prophet, their banners aided.

٤. أَبناءُ خِندِفَ إِن نَسَبتَ وَجَدتَهُم
رَهطَ النَبِيَّ لِواؤُهُم مَنصورُ

5. And it is as if the banners around their banner
Are birds constantly circling in the sky.

٥. وَكَأَنَّما الراياتُ حَولَ لِوائِهِم
طَيرٌ حَوائِمُ في السَماءِ تَدورُ

6. By God, I cannot number all of Tameem
Except for its nobility, or say they are many.

٦. وَاللَهِ ما أُحصي تَميماً كُلَّها
إِلّا العُلى أَو أَن يُقالَ كَثيرُ