1. I'm amazed by people whose father is Tameem
Yet they are among the blessed prosperous Bani Sa'd
١. عَجِبتُ لِأَقوامٍ تَميمٌ أَبوهُمُ
وَهُم في بَني سَعدٍ عِراضُ المَبارِكِ
2. They used to be the horsemen of the living before their migration
With the lion having yellowed fangs and claws
٢. وَكانوا سَراةَ الحَيِّ قَبلَ مَسيرِهِم
مَعَ الأُسدِ مُصفَرّاً لِحاها وَمالِكِ
3. While we drove Maalik away from our lands
And we gauged his eye out with our spearheads
٣. وَنَحنُ نَفَينا مالِكاً عَن بِلادِنا
وَنَحنُ فَقَأنا عَينَهُ بِالنَيازِكِ
4. What do you think of the son of Al-Hawareeth, Mus'ab
When he bares his teeth with a grin other than laughter
٤. فَما ظَنُّكُم بِاِبنِ الحَوارِيِّ مُصعَبٍ
إِذا اِفتَرَّ عَن أَنيابِهِ غَيرَ ضاحِكِ
5. Abu Haathir, if calamity occurs, you'll find me
Mounted on a swimming camel with reins made of palm branches
٥. أَبا حاضِرٍ إِن يَحضِرِ البَأسُ تَلقَني
عَلى سابِحٍ إِبزيمُهُ بِالسَنابِكِ