1. The lamps of Nawar cast their glow
And pull the nomads to assembly
ูก. ุทูุฑูููุช ูููุงุฑู ููุฏููู ู
ุฌูุฐุจู ุงูุจูุฑู ูููููุงุญููู ุตูุนุฑู
2. Their morning departures continue
From month to month journeying on
ูข. ููุฑููุงุญู ู
ูุนุตูููุฉู ููุบูุฏููุชููุง
ุดููุฑุงู ุชููุงุตููููู ุฅููู ุดููุฑู
3. The least of her camps for those who seek them
Is for the guide, five nights on rugged ground
ูฃ. ุฃูุฏูู ู
ููุงุฒููููุง ููุทุงููุจููุง
ุณู ุงูู
ูุคููููุจู ูููููุทุง ุงูููุฏุฑู
4. And if I sleep, the memory of her roams
Till it wakes the eyes for travel again
ูค. ููุฅูุฐุง ุฃููุงู
ู ุฃูููู
ูู ุทุงุฆููููุง
ุญูุชูู ููููุจูููู ุฃูุนูููู ุงูุณููุฑู
5. The thought of her stirs me when recalledโ
The south wind, bearing that sweet pain
ูฅ. ุฅูููู ูููููููุฌููู ุฅูุฐุง ุฐูููุฑูุช
ุฑูุญู ุงูุฌูููุจู ูููุง ุนููู ุงูุฐููุฑู
6. As though her saddlebags mingled with mine
By dawn endowed with knowing and joy
ูฆ. ููููุฃููููู
ุง ุงููุชูุจูุณูุช ุจูุฃูุฑุญููููุง
ุจูุนุฏู ุงูู
ู ุฐููููููุฉู ุงูุชูุฌุฑู
7. As though her mounts were hobbled with mine,
Swaying us like bliss or foreboding dread
ูง. ููููุฃูููู ุฐูุฑููุนููุง ุจูุฃูุฑุญููููุง
ููุฑููููู ู
ูุซูู ููุนุงุฆูู
ู ุฒูุนุฑู
8. Or a she-camel whose pasture was withered,
Striding over stony ground and reddish sand
ูจ. ุฃูู ุนุงููุฉู ููุจูุณูุช ู
ุฎูุจูุทูุช ุณููุง ุงูููุฑูุงูู ููุงูุธููุฑู
9. As though curved snakes suspended
Bent back their slenderness into amber air
ูฉ. ููููุฃูููู ุญูููุงุชู ู
ุชูุซูู ุฃูุฒูู
ููุชููุง ุฅููู ุงูุตููุฑู
10. For the lopsided one from her saddlebags
And for the roamer, a tawny viper of waste
ูกู . ูููุนููููุฌููููุฉู ู
ูู ููุฌุงุฆูุจููุง
ููุงูุฏุงุนูุฑูููู ููุฃููุญููู ุตูุญุฑู
11. And for Suleiman whose abode she made
The meadows, from all alarm made free
ูกูก. ููุฅููู ุณููููู
ุงูู ุงูููุฐู ุณูููููุช
ุฃูุฑูู ุงูููุถุงุจู ุจููู ู
ููู ุงูุฐูุนุฑู
12. The exiles found refuge when assured
Of safety from Rattabel and Sheher
ูกูข. ููุชูุฑุงุฌูุนู ุงูุทูุฑูุฏุงุกู ุฅูุฐ ููุซูููุง
ูู ู
ูู ุฑูุชุจููู ููุงูุดูุญุฑู
13. Or every camp as though in it
Were stillness, though its ships sailed on
ูกูฃ. ุฃูู ููููู ุฏุงููุฑูุฉู ููุฃูููู ุจููุง
ูุงุฑุงู ูููููุณู ุณููููููุง ููุฌุฑู
14. Or every true comrade, when wanted,
Whose wind winnowed me from afar
ูกูค. ุฃูู ููููู ุตุงุฏูููุฉู ุฅูุฐุง ุทูููุจูุช
ูู ุฏููููุง ุงูุฑูุญู ุงูููุชู ุชูุฐุฑู