1. I swear by the Lord of Mecca and the praying-place,
And the necks of the sacrifices, decked with ornaments,
١. حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ مَكَّةَ وَالمُصَلّى
وَأَعناقِ الهَدِيِّ مُقَلَّداتِ
2. Verily I have decked the tribe of Jalf with necklaces
In the raids everlasting.
٢. لَقَد قَلَّدتُ جِلفَ بَني كُلَيبٍ
قَلائِدَ في السَوالِفِ باقِياتِ
3. Necklaces not of gold, but rather
Seasons from hell well baked.
٣. قَلائِدَ لَيسَ مِن ذَهَبٍ وَلَكِن
مَواسِمَ مِن جَهَنَّمَ مَنضِجاتِ
4. How then, think you, will Atiyya fare when he meets
Bones whose skulls the heirs have cleft?
٤. فَكَيفَ تَرى عَطِيَّةَ حينَ يَلقى
عِظاماً هامُهُنَّ قُراسِياتِ
5. Skulls of the sons of Sufyan I made my quarry,
Tall mountain maidens with scratches bleeding.
٥. قُروماً مِن بَني سُفيانَ صيداً
طُوالاتِ الشَقاشِقِ مُصعِباتِ
6. You will see their necks, a prey
On the necks of your tribes exalted high.
٦. تَرى أَعناقَهُنَّ وَهُنَّ صيدٌ
عَلى أَعناقِ قَومِكَ سامِياتِ
7. Strive then with your hands, can you transport
Mountains from Tehama firmly based?
٧. فَرُم بِيَدَيكَ هَل تَسطيعُ نَقلاً
جِبالاً مِن تِهامَةَ راسِياتِ
8. And discern you how the horsemen foretell to their enemies
When their bridles shake in the hard, bold onset.
٨. وَأَبصِر كَيفَ تَنبو بِالأَعادي
مَناكِبُها إِذا قُرِعَت صَفاتي
9. Verily you will find, after me, ascent
To the snake-holes easier for thee, and smoothing of the paths.
٩. وَإِنَّكَ واجِدٌ دوني صَعوداً
جَراثيمَ الأَقارِعِ وَالحُتاتِ
10. Nor will you attain, after the sons of Kulaib,
Our hereditary conquests until the day of doom.
١٠. وَلَستَ بِنائِلٍ بَبَني كُلَيبٍ
أُرومَتَنا إِلى يَومِ المَماتِ
11. For Damem's people I found dwellings
Over against the dwellings of your people, overwhelming.
١١. وَجَدتِ لِدارِمٍ قَومي بُيوتاً
عَلى بُنيانِ قَومِكَ قاهِراتِ
12. By a brow reproving when it lightens, by sons of Ma'dd,
By the Ka'ka' girding them round, by young camels grazing on the Furat's banks,
١٢. دُعِمنَ بِحاجِبٍ وَاِبنَي عِقالٍ
وَبِالقَعقاعِ تَيّارِ الفُراتِ
13. By the Mujir's rock when the hunters quaked beneath it and raised loud cries,
By him to whom souls quick to avenge cleave in trouble,
١٣. وَصَعصَعَةَ المُجيرِ عَلى المَنايا
بِذِمَّتِهِ وَفَكّاكِ العُناةِ
14. By him of Shawar and Abu Shuraih,
By columns among houses firm based and supporting households!
١٤. وَصاحِبِ صَوأَرٍ وَأَبي شُرَيحٍ
وَسَلمى مِن دَعائِمَ ثابِتاتِ