
I asked about the days of old that were so wondrous

سلوت عن الدهر الذي كان معجبا

1. I asked about the days of old that were so wondrous,
And the like of which have passed in our time,

١. سَلَوتُ عَنِ الدَهرِ الَّذي كانَ مُعجِباً
وَمِثلُ الَّذي قَد كانَ مِن دَهرِنا يُسلي

2. And I knew for sure that I will inevitably die,
So I follow in the footsteps of those who went before me.

٢. وَأَيقَنتُ أَنّي لا مَحالَةُ مَيِّتٌ
فَمُتَّبِعٌ آثارَ مَن قَد خَلا قَبلي

3. And I who must inevitably be struck
By the blows of death, whether gently or violently.

٣. وَأَنّي الَّذي لا بَدَّ أَن سَيُصيبُهُ
حِمامُ المَنايا مِن وَفاةٍ وَمِن قَتلِ

4. So I am not remaining, nor is time to blame.
Be content with what had addled my mind.

٤. فَما أَنا بِالباقي وَلا الدَهرُ فَاِعلَمي
بِراضٍ بِما قَد كانَ أَذهَبَ مِن عَقلي

5. It will not make me just one day so I would find in it
Its injustices against me or leaving me hungry.

٥. وَلا مُنصِفي يَوماً فَأُدرِكَ عِندَهُ
مَظالِمَهُ عِندي وَلا تارِكاً أَكلي

6. And where are my dear friends whom I was accustomed to,
While all of them were in a bliss like mine?

٦. وَأَينَ أَخِلّائي الَّذينَ عَهِدتُهُم
وَكُلُّهُمُ قَد كانَ في غِبطَةٍ مِثلي

7. Fates called them and after them I remained
A remnant of a lifetime that does not withstand aridity.

٧. دَعَتهُم مَقاديرٌ فَأَصبَحتُ بَعدَهُم
بَقِيَّةُ دَهرٍ لَيسَ يُسبَقُ بِالذَحلِ

8. I experienced from time things I should be preached about
And I sought blessings and asked to be tested.

٨. بَلَوتُ مِنَ الدَهرِ الَّذي فيهِ واعِظٌ
وَجارَيتُ بِالنُعمى وَطالَبتُ بِالتَبلِ

9. And when calamities happened, I was not
As a loving son of a time that does not command or make cheerful.

٩. وَجُرِّبتُ عِندَ المُضلِعاتِ فَلَم أَكُن
ضَريعَ زَمانٍ لا أُمِرَّ وَلا أُحلي

10. And the open country that kills the rider, I crossed it
With a riding beast not crippled or stumbling.

١٠. وَبَيداءُ تَغتالُ المَطِيَّ قَطَعتُها
بِرَكّابِ هَولٍ لَيسَ بِالعاجِزِ الوَغلِ

11. When the land closes its burrows, I returned
Wearing the garments of poisons not pierced.

١١. إِذا الأَرضُ سَدَّتها الهَواجِرُ وَاِرتَدَت
مُلاءَ سَمومٍ لَم يُسَدَّينَ بِالغَزلِ

12. And what appears to us from its mirage
Is the floods of the sea from its shallow water.

١٢. وَكانَ الَّذي يَبدو لَنا مِن سَرابِها
فُضولُ سُيولِ البَحرِ مِن مائِهِ الضَحلِ

13. And the male partridge calls out the female in it, so she answers him
With twins of chicks from the finely scattered foreground.

١٣. وَيَدعو القَطا فيها القَطا فَيُجيبُهُ
تَوائِمُ أَطفالٍ مِنَ السَبسَبِ المَحلِ

14. Young pigeons left the chickpea plant as if
In its watering places flew decisive kohl.

١٤. دَوارِجُ أَخلَفنَ الشَكيرَ كَأَنَّما
جَرى في مَآقيها مَراوِدُ مِن كُحلِ