
I am between two lives that have become

إني لقاض بين حيين أصبحا

1. I am between two lives that have become
Assemblies too narrow for their circles

١. إِنّي لَقاضٍ بَينَ حَيَّينِ أَصبَحا
مَجالِسَ قَد ضاقَت بِها الحَلَقاتُ

2. The equal sons of Hearing, their peers the family of Dharim
And the Abyssinian women marry their equals

٢. بَنو مِسمَعٍ أَكفاؤُهُم آلُ ذارِمٍ
وَتَنكِحُ في أَكفائِها الحَبَطاتُ

3. And only their steeds attain the goals
And the young maidens cannot reach them

٣. وَلا يُدرِكُ الغاياتِ إِلّا جِيادُها
وَلا تَستَطيعُ الجِلَّةُ البَكَراتُ