
And on a night of darkest night I raised its brightness

وليلة ليل قد رفعت سناءها

1. And on a night of darkest night I raised its brightness
With fuel for the piercing flames kindled bright

١. وَلَيلَةِ لَيلٍ قَد رَفَعتُ سَناءَها
بِآكِلَةٍ لِلثاقِبِ المُتَوَقِّدِ

2. And pitch-dark anger over meat aroused
Eyes from guests not lightly closed

٢. وَدَهماءَ مِغضابٍ عَلى اللَحمِ نَبَّهَت
عُيوناً عَنِ الأَضيافِ لَيسَت بِرُقَّدِ

3. When the mother of kindling is fed she flickers
As flickers the mother of preserved wood

٣. إِذا أُطعِمَت أُمَّ الهَشيمَةِ أَرزَمَت
كَما أَرزَمَت أُمُّ الحُوارِ المُجَلَّدِ

4. When we plug its openings with kindling
Each passer sees its light unquenched

٤. إِذا ما سَدَدنا بِالهَشيمِ فُروجَها
رَأى كُلُّ سارٍ ضَوءَها غَيرَ مُخمَدِ

5. And a passer whom you killed his hunger with one blow
Came to us bringing swords with honed blade

٥. وَسارٍ قَتَلتَ الجوعَ عَنهُ بِضَربَةٍ
أَتانا طُروقاً بِالحُسامِ المُهَنَّدِ

6. On the shank of spindly wood we made his dinner
Branches from hot spear wood made bare

٦. عَلى ساقِ مِقحادٍ جَعَلنا عَشاءَهُ
شَطائِبَ مِن حُرِّ السَنامِ المُسَرهَدِ

7. And a knocker in the night who came legs leading
To me, years of my fire and accustomed hound

٧. وَطارِقِ لَيلٍ قَد أَتاني وَساقَهُ
إِلَيَّ سَنا ناري وَكَلبٍ مُعَوَّدِ

8. And one who barks I lit my fire to his voice
With no wandering moon or scattered light

٨. وَمُستَنبِحٍ أَوقَدتُ ناري لِصَوتِهِ
بِلا قَمَرٍ يَسري وَلا ضَوءِ فَرقَدِ

9. And a fire we raised for one seeking shelters
On overlook above the land kindled

٩. وَنارٍ رَفَعناها لِمَن يَبتَغي القِرى
عَلى مُشرِفٍ فَوقَ الجَراثيمِ موقَدِ