1. The caravan of a bride's procession stopped
At a place where the plains of eternity lie still
١. طَرَقَت نَوارُ مُعَرِّسَي دَوِّيَّةٍ
نَزِلاً بِحَيثُ تَقيلُ عُفرُ الأُبَّدِ
2. It stopped at Muliqiyat al-Jiran, exhausted,
And the dawn was breaking like the color of a pillow
٢. نَزَلَت بِمُلقِيَةِ الجِرانِ وَهاجِدٍ
وَالصُبحُ مُنصَدِعٌ كَلَونِ المُسنَدِ
3. A letter and a torn shirt fell with it
In the intoxication of sleep without using a pillow
٣. حَرفٌ وَمُنخَرِقُ القَميصِ هَوى بِهِ
سُكرُ النُعاسِ فَخَرَّ غَيرَ مُوَسَّدِ
4. As if a perfumer had descended upon us
In gardens wrapped around, its orchards moist
٤. وَكَأَنَّما نَزَلَت بِنا عَطّارَةٌ
بِرِياضِ مُلتَفٍّ حَدائِقُهُ نَدي