
If Qais 'Ailan complained of me because

لئن قيس عيلان اشتكتني لمثل ما

1. If Qais 'Ailan complained of me because
Of that which makes her complain when her ankles were gone,

١. لَئِن قَيسُ عَيلانَ اِشتَكَتني لِمِثلِ ما
بِها يَتَشَكّى حينَ مَضَّت كُلومُها

2. And Mirdas tribe left in my hands
The skulls of Qais, broken their crowns,

٢. وَقَد تَرَكَت مِرداةُ خِندِفَ في يَدي
جَماجِمَ مِن قَيسٍ عِظاماً هُزومُها

3. If they fell upon the skulls, he won't stand
Until the day the early generations are resurrected,

٣. إِذا وَقَعَت فَوقَ الجَماجِمِ لَم يَقُم
إِلى يَومِ بَعثِ الأَوَّلينَ أَميمُها

4. My lineage insisted on pride and it fooled me
When the lineages of men wore their mantles,

٤. أَبى حَسَبي إِلّا اِنتِصاباً وَغَرَّني
إِذا شالَ أَحسابَ الرِجالِ بَهيمُها

5. I am the son of Tamim and the protector by which
It is protected when the west wind blows rowdily,

٥. أَنا اِبنُ تَميمٍ وَالمُحامي الَّذي بِهِ
تُحامي إِذا غَربٌ تَفَرّى أَديمُها

6. Tamim will refuse to be well disposed if
Upon me with long necks their cows meet,

٦. سَتَأبى تَميمٌ أَن رُضامَ إِذا اِلتَقَت
عَلَيَّ بِأَعناقٍ طِوالٍ قُرومُها

7. And we killed 'Amir the day of Mulzaq
So their corpses spent the night at the house-doors lying,

٧. وَنَحنُ قَتَلنا عامِرَن يَومَ مُلزَقٍ
فَباتَت عَلى قُبلِ البُيوتِ هُجومُها

8. And saved Tufayl from 'Ulalat Qurzul
Straight legs protecting his flesh,

٨. وَنَجّى طُفَيلاً مِن عُلالَةِ قُرزُلٍ
قَوائِمُ يَحمي لَحمَهُ مُستَقيمُها

9. Relaxed unto him seekers as though they
Were locusts of the desert flying from him,

٩. تَراخَت بِهِ عَن طالِباتٍ كَأَنَّها
جَرادُ فَضاءٍ طَرَ عَنها حَميمُها

10. Whenever Tamim become of one mind
And attain the most fortunate of fortunes,

١٠. إِذا ما تَميمٌ رَصلَحَت ذاتَ بَينِها
وَتَمَّت إِلى سَعدِ السُعودِ تَميمُها

11. You will find who sought protection of the dog of every tribe
And their militia became despised unto me

١١. تَجِد مَن عَوى مِن كَلبِ كُلِّ قَبيلَةٍ
وَأُسرَتِهِ هانَت عَلَيَّ رُغومُها

12. Banu Sa'd outnumber the pebbles
And heavier than the mountains' mass their corpses

١٢. تَزيدُ بَنو سَعدٍ عَلى عَدَدِ الحَصى
وَأَثقَلُ مِن وَزنِ الجِبالِ حُلومُها

13. And if Sa'd trod the dam of Gog and Magog
With their feet, its heights their thighs would tumble.

١٣. وَلَو وَطِأَت سَعدٌ لِيَأجوجَ رَدمَها
بِأَقدامِها لَاِرفَضَّ عَنها رُدومُها