
A fawn from Damascus, an eloquent word as if peering out

صيداء شأمية حرف كمشترف

1. A fawn from Damascus, an eloquent word as if peering out,
At people, from the oppressions, aggrieved,

١. صَيداءَ شَأمِيَّةٍ حَرفٍ كَمُشتَرِفٍ
إِلى الشِخاصِ مِنَ التَضغانِ مَبحومِ

2. Or a blackened wilderness where shadows have settled
Upon the misery of an unresolved matter,

٢. أَو أَخدَرِيَّ فَلاةٍ ظَلَّ مُرتَبِئاً
عَلى صَريمَةِ أَمرٍ غَيرِ مَقسومِ

3. Sorrow that defers torments and brings them together
Around the victims like sheep without a shepherd,

٣. جَونٌ يُؤَجِّلُ عاناتٍ وَيَجمَعُها
حَولَ الخُدادَةِ أَمثالَ الأَناعيمِ

4. He herded them for months, the deserts were his pasture,
Embracing the valleys, unharmed,

٤. رَعى بِها أَشهُراً يَقرو الخَلاءَ بِها
مُعانِقاً لِلهَوادي غَيرَ مَظلومِ

5. Two months of spring in which the land sits beautifully
Until mid-summer with flowers blooming everywhere,

٥. شَهرَي رَبيعٍ يَلُسُّ الأَرضَ مونِقَةً
إِلى جُمادى بِزَهرِ النورِ مَعمومِ

6. With nightfall, darkness still has for it
Tumult or late rain after settlement,

٦. بِالدَحلِ كُلَّ ظَلامٍ لا تَزالُ لَهُ
حَشرَجَةٌ أَو سَحيلٌ بَعدَ تَدويمِ

7. Until when the confused one came to his senses, he had
A departing guest whose nonsense was like raving,

٧. حَتّى إِذا أَنفَضَ البُهمى وَكانَ لَهُ
مِن ناصِلٍ مِن سَفاها كَالمَخاذيمِ

8. He remembered the flowers and his thoughts rejoined
In the eve of a day with a poisoned star,

٨. تَذَكَّرَ الوِردَ وَاِنضَمَّت ثَميلَتُهُ
في بارِحٍ مِن نَهارِ النَجمِ مَسمومِ

9. She called and waited, where would he make it up to her
Burdened with an unborn child,

٩. أَرَنَّ وَاِنتَظَرَتهُ أَينَ يَعدِلُها
مُكَدَّحاً بِجَنينٍ غَيرِ مَهشومِ

10. Rider of the meadows, he wouldn’t stop violating
The wives of others forcefully and bitterly,

١٠. غاشي المَخارِمِ ما يَنفَكُّ مُغتَصِباً
زَوجاتِ آخَرَ في كُرهٍ وَتَرغيمِ

11. And he kept wondering which of the two pastures would bring her
Closer, at the farthest point of the valley, ill-fated,

١١. وَظَلَّ يَعدِلُ أَيَّ المَورِدَينِ لَها
أَدنى بِمُنخَرِقِ القيعانِ مَسؤومِ

12. The slopes or the euphrates waters, he brings her
Like one who casts divine arrows, obedient,

١٢. أَضارِجاً أَم مِياهِ السَيفِ يَقرِبُها
كَضارِبٍ بِقِداحِ القَسمِ مَأمومِ

13. Until when the night grew still, it provoked her,
Firm news and a garment for germs,

١٣. حَتّى إِذا جَنَّ داجي اللَيلِ هَيَّجَها
ثَبتُ الخَبارِ وَثَوبٌ لِلجَراثيمِ

14. He meets her, if not for his flaw
That rejects temptation and is mean with lovers,

١٤. يَلُمُّها مُقرِباً لَولا شَكاسَتُهُ
يَنفي الجِحاشَ وَيُزري بِالمَقاحيمِ

15. Until she met him a third time
At a well-known watering place,

١٥. حَتّى تَلاقى بِها في مُسيِ ثالِثَةٍ
عَيناً لَدى مَشرَبٍ مِنهُنَّ مَعلومِ

16. He feared for her a lake that he had prepared
In an obscure place of the dusty earth, damned.

١٦. خافَ عَلَيها بَحيراً قَد أَعَدَّ لَها
في غامِضٍ مِن تُرابِ الأَرضِ مَدمومِ