1. Did I not ward off your enemy from you when you were helpless
With my well-forged sword until its hilt was smashed?
١. أَلَم أَرمِ عَنكُم إِذ عَجَزتُم عَدُوَّكُم
بِجَندَلَتي حَتّى تَكَسَّرَ بازِلُه
2. If I stir up Ka'b or the dogs, verily both are
In their entirety for Al-Numayri ever bountiful.
٢. فَإِن أَهجُ كَعباً أَو كِلاباً فَإِنَّهُم
كِلا طَرَفَيهِم لِلنَمَيرِيِّ فاضِلُه
3. Both the dogs and Ka'b are two lofty peaks that met
In two glories that no couple in privacy has attained.
٣. كِلابٌ وَكَعبٌ ذِروَتانِ تَلاقَتا
بِمَجدَينِ لا زَوجِ الخَلِيَّةِ نائِلُه
4. When cowardice overcomes a man to endure it,
Then the son of the camel herder will carry it from him
٤. إِذا غَلَبَ اللُؤمُ اِمرَأً أَن يُطيقَهُ
فَإِنَّ اِبنَ راعي الإِبلِ عَنهُ لَحامِلُه
5. As his father carried it from the herder Ubayd who conveyed it.
Perhaps the son of the camel herder thinks that if
٥. تَضَمَّنَهُ عَنهُ كَما كانَ قَبلَهُ
أَبوهُ عَنِ الراعي عُبَيدٍ يُناقِلُه
6. Good fortune swaddles him cozily occupation distracts him.
I prohibited the son of the camel herder from me yet he did not
٦. لَعَلَّ اِبنَ راعي الإِبلِ يَحسِبُ أَنَّهُ
إِذا وَطبُهُ مَجَّ الثُمالَةَ شاغِلُه
7. Stop insisting until I released his ropes.
So say to the son of the camel herder: Do you have a coat of mail
٧. نَهَيتُ اِبنَ راعي الإِبلِ عَنّي فَلَم يَزَل
بِهِ الحَينُ حَتّى أَطلَقَتهُ حَبائِلُه
8. To protect you if my rain pours on you heavily?
My rain clouds, if they rain upon your eyes, will make
٨. فَقُل لِاِبنِ راعي الإِبلِ هَل لَكَ جُنَّةٌ
تَقيكَ إِذا غَيثي أَصابَكَ وابِلُه
9. The crown of your head and bottom unlike.
It makes wretched the life of Al-'Amri then he perishes
٩. شَآبيبُ إِن يُمطِرنَ عَينَيكَ يَختَلِف
لِرَأسِكَ أَعلى فَكِّهِ وَأَسافِلُه
10. And his cowardice refuses to leave him.
١٠. تُزايِلُ نَفسَ العامِرِيَّ حَياتَهُ
فَيَبلى وَيَأبى لُؤمُهُ لا يَزايِلُه