1. You are the one who drove away our adversity,
While we fear the destructive events of time.
١. أَنتَ الَّذي عَنّا بِلالُ دَفَعتَهُ
وَنَحنُ نَخافُ مُهلِكاتِ المَتالِفِ
2. We have held onto a rope whose end we do not fear,
To a noble one whose pillars are lofty.
٢. أَخَذنا بِحَبلٍ ما نَخافُ اِنقِطاعَهُ
إِلى مُشرِفٍ أَركانُهُ مُتَقاذِفِ
3. You have not seen the likes of Al-Ash`ari when he shoots
A rope towards two palms to a frightened one.
٣. وَلَم تَرَ مِثلَ الأَشعَرِيِّ إِذا رَمى
بِحَبلٍ إِلى الكَفَّينِ جاراً لِخائِفِ
4. He prevents harm from the neighbors and hastens aid to others,
And he protects what is in the scriptures for Islam.
٤. هُوَ المانِعُ الجيرانِ وَالمُعجِلُ القِرى
وَيَحفَظُ لِلإِسلامِ ما في المَصاحِفِ
5. I see my camels - the best of them yearn
When their strings are tied to the tent poles.
٥. أَرى إِبِلي مِمّا تَحِنُّ خِيارُها
إِذا عَلِقَت أَقرانُها بِالسَوالِفِ
6. With them lethal blows are warded if it is necessary
And the deep pools of eyes that shed many tears are cooled.
٦. بِها يُحقَنُ التامورُ إِن كانَ واجِباً
وَيَرقَأُ تَوكافُ العُيونِ الذَوارِفِ
7. We prayed to God when there descended upon us
A night of covered darkness.
٧. وَإِنّا دَعَونا اللَهَ إِذ نَزَلَت بِنا
مُجَلِّلَةً إِحدى اللَيالي الخَوائِفِ
8. So Bilal unsheathed his sword for the enemy,
Against the stupidity of the mound, the smooth-faced executioner.
٨. فَسَلَّ بِلالٌ دونَنا السَيفَ لِلقِرى
عَلى عُبُطِ الكومِ الجِلادِ العَلايِفِ
9. I saw Bilal buying with his charges,
And with the sword the best of the generous and quick to help.
٩. رَأَيتُ بِلالاً يَشتَري بِتِلادِهِ
وَبِالسَيفِ خَلّاتِ الكِرامِ الغَطارِفِ
10. From Bilal actions that secretly twisted our hearts
To the denier of favors - knowledgeable of the truth.
١٠. ثَنَت مُضمِراتٌ مِن بِلالٍ قُلوبَنا
إِلى مُنكَرِ النَكراءِ لِلحَقِّ عارِفِ