1. Since the drought struck me, the people of Sajistan
Have turned to evil in their religion and changed
١. وَمِن حَينِ قَحطاني سَجَستانِ أَصبَحوا
عَلى سَيِّئٍ مِن دينِهِم قَد تَغَيَّرا
2. Two hundred thousand of them, with no sense among them
No wisdom from a cunning schemer, even if they pondered
٢. وَهُم مائَتا أَلفٍ وَلا عَقلَ فيهِمِ
وَلا رَأيَ مِن ذي حيلَةٍ لَو تَفَكَّرا
3. They lead an impostor to use him
To attack the friends of God whom they chose
٣. يَسوقونَ حَوّاكاً لِيَستَفتِحوا بِهِ
عَلى أَولِياءِ اللَهِ مِمَّن تَخَيَّرا
4. A group who sided with Uthman, and among them
An eminent Imam who cleared the darkness so it lit up
٤. عَلى عُصبَةٍ عُثمانُ مِنهُم وَمِنهُمُ
إِمامٌ جَلا عَنّا الظَلامَ فَأَسفَرا
5. The creation of Marwan whom he chose for us
With knowledge of who would kill and revive over us
٥. خَليقَةُ مَروانَ الَّذي اِختارَهُ لَنا
بِعِلمٍ عَلَينا مَن أَماتَ وَأَنشَرا
6. Through him God gave life to the mosques and ceased
The devil of hypocrisy from the people so he was banished
٦. بِهِ عَمَرَ اللَهُ المَساجِدَ وَاِنتَهى
عَنِ الناسِ شَيطانُ النِفاقِ فَأَقصَرا
7. Even if they marched with the two sons of Shamam both
And the Syrians from Salma to the Sarah of Himyar
٧. وَلَو زَحَفوا بِاِبنَي شَمامٍ كِلَيهِما
وَبِالشُمِّ مِن سَلمى إِلى سَروِ حِميَرا
8. Against their religion, with India arraying their vanguards
And the Romans in their land, the Romans of Caesar
٨. عَلى دينِهِم وَالهِندُ تُزجى فُيولُهُم
وَبِالرومِ في أَفدانِها رومِ قَيصَرا
9. To the pledge of God which his servant chose
For it the son of Abu Al-Aasi, the Imam to be trusted
٩. إِلى بَيعَةِ اللَهِ الَّذي اِختارَ عَبدَهُ
لَها اِبنَ أَبي العاصي الإِمامَ المُؤَمَّرا
10. He would thwart those whose prophecy he gave their cunning
With more cunning than what they plotted and contrived
١٠. لَفَضَّ الَّذي أَعطى النُبُوَّةَ كَيدَهُم
بِأَكيَدَ مِمّا كايَدوهُ وَأَقدَروا
11. The rider at Zuby Buhda brought me narrations
Which straitened his chest when he told the tale
١١. أَتاني بِذي بَهدى أَحاديثُ راكِبٍ
بِها ضاقَ مِنها صَدرُهُ حينَ خَبَّرا
12. Events for Hajjaj where his wives were discarding
The children of what was conceived of them in secret
١٢. وَقائِعُ لِلحَجّاجِ تَرمي نِساؤُها
بِأَولادِ ما قَد كانَ مِنهُنَّ مُضمَرا
13. So I said, my mother as ransom for him when
War gored him, erecting its head when he prepared
١٣. فَقُلتُ فِدىً أُمّي لَهُ حينَ صاوَلَت
بِهِ الحَربُ نابَي رَأسِها حينَ شَمَّرا
14. He poisoned his two commanders until they lost heart
Against him, and quenched the commissioned thirsty one
١٤. سَقى قائِدَيها السُمَّ حَتّى تَخاذَلوا
عَلَيها وَأَروى الزاعِبِيَّ المُؤَمَّرا
15. He stabbed the son of Rizam with a mortal wound laid bare
And their protected one a fatal blow which oozed and dripped
١٥. سَقى اِبنَ رِزامٍ طَعنَةً فَوَّزَت بِهِ
وَمَحروشَهُم مَأمومَةً فَتَقَطَّرا
16. The horse hands escaped and did not leave
Any horses depriving them of their pairs
١٦. وَأَفلَتَ رَوّاضُ البِغالِ وَلَم تَدَع
لَهُ الخَيلِ مِن إِخراجِ زَوجَيهِ مَعشَرا