
Were it not for Bani 'Adiyy saying:

لولا أن تقول بني عدي

1. Were it not for Bani 'Adiyy saying:
Is not the mother of Hanthalah shining?

١. لَولا أَن تَقولُ بَني عَدِيٍّ
أَلَيسَت أُمُّ حَنظَلَةَ النَوارا

2. Then the speech of Bani Mulikan would come
When it is said he helped then attacked

٢. إِذاً لَأَتى بَني مِلكانَ قَولٌ
إِذا ما قيلَ أَنجَدَ ثُمَّ غارا